LD 2663
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act Relating to Reporting Requirements for Political Action Committees on th... Page 6 of 6
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LR 4161
Item 1

the date and purpose of each expenditure; and the name of each
contributor, payee or creditor.__Total contributions or
expenditures of less than $1,500 in any election need not be
itemized.__The report must state whether the purpose for receiving
contributions and making expenditures is in support of or in
opposition to the ballot question.

3.__Forms.__A report required by this section must be on a
form prescribed and prepared by the commission.__A person filing
this report may use additional pages if necessary, but the pages
must be the same size as the pages of the form.

Sec. 8. 21-A MRSA §1062-A, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 483, §21,
is amended to read:

2. Campaign finance reports. A campaign finance report is
not timely filed unless a properly signed copy of the report,
substantially conforming to the disclosure requirements of this
subchapter, is received by the commission before 5 p.m. on the
date it is due. Except as provided in subsection 6, the
commission shall determine whether a required report satisfies
the requirements for timely filing. The commission may waive the
penalty in whole or in part if the commission determines the
failure to file a timely report was due to mitigating
circumstances. For purposes of this section, "mitigating
circumstances" means:

A. A valid personal emergency of the committee treasurer,
such as a personal illness or death in the immediate family
emergency of the committee treasurer determined by the
commission, in the interest of the sound administration of
justice, to warrant the waiver of the penalty in whole or in
part; or

B. An error by the commission staff.; or

C.__Other circumstances determined by the commission that
warrant mitigation of the penalty, based upon relevant
evidence presented that a bona fide effort was made to file
the report in accordance with the statutory requirements,
including, but not limited to, unexplained delays in postal


This bill makes changes to the laws governing the filing of
campaign finance laws by providing the Commission on Governmental
Ethics and Election Practices with more flexibility to accept
campaign finance reporting forms late without penalty when the
reason is a valid emergency. The bill also makes changes to the

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