LD 2668
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LD 2668 Title Page An Act to Create a Heating Oil Emergency Management Program Page 2 of 4
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LR 4160
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §3307-C, sub-§2, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 501, Pt.
DD, §13 is amended to read:

B. The quantities of each petroleum product delivery
expected into the State within 15 days of the reporting date
or within any longer period established by the director.

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §3307-C, sub-§3, ¶¶B and C, as enacted by PL 1989, c.
501, Pt. DD, §13, are amended to read:

B. Anticipated deliveries of all petroleum products in this
State during the following calendar month or during any
longer period established by the director; and

C. Allocation fractions for all petroleum products for the
following month or for any longer period established by the

Sec. 3. 5 MRSA §3307-C, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5. Reporting of State Planning Office.__The State Planning
Office shall provide reports to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over utilities and energy
matters as follows:

A.__Annually no later than the first business day in
January, a report on petroleum products identifying for each
petroleum product:

(1)__The most recent statewide storage inventory of the

(2)__The historic trend of the statewide storage
inventory over the prior 12 months; and

(3)__Any anticipated reductions, curtailments or
shortfalls in product deliveries or storage inventories
in the coming months; and

B.__If the State Planning Office determines, based on
available information, that there is or may be a significant
shortfall in supply inventories or anticipated deliveries
into the State of home heating oil, a report including:

(1)__The information that suggests a supply shortfall;

(2)__Current and anticipated inventories of home
heating oil storage supplies; and

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