LD 2668
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Create a Heating Oil Emergency Management Program Page 4 of 4
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LR 4160
Item 1

A. If the Legislature is in session, submit emergency
legislation that provides the needed funding;

B. Petition the Federal Government to release sufficient
funds to the State to meet the needs identified by the
authority; and

C. Contact the governors in the northeast region and the
Maine Congressional Delegation to encourage a unified effort
to petition the Federal Government to release sufficient
funds to the meet the needs of consumers.


The State Planning Office within the Executive Department will
incur some minor additional costs to submit annual reports
pertaining to petroleum products to the Legislature. These costs
can be absorbed within the office's existing budgeted resources.

The additional costs associated with estimating the funding
needed to provide adequate fuel assistance to residents of Maine
in the event of a sharp increase in heating oil prices and
providing the required notifications can be absorbed by the Maine
State Housing Authority utilizing existing budgeted resources.


This bill, reported by the Joint Standing Committee on
Utilities and Energy pursuant to joint order, does the following:

1. Requires the State Planning Office to report to the Joint
Standing Committee on Utilities and Energy:

A. Annually on petroleum product inventories; and

B. On any significant heating oil supply inventory
shortfalls that the office anticipates based on information
available to it; and

2. Establishes a heating oil crises response mechanism under
which, in the event of sharp increases in heating oil prices, the
Maine State Housing Authority is required to estimate the funding
needed to provide adequate fuel assistance to residents. The
authority is required to provide this information to the
Legislature and to the Governor. The Governor is directed to
submit for legislative consideration emergency legislation to
appropriate the needed funding and to work with the state

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