LD 2669
pg. 6
Page 5 of 10 An Act to Implement the Tax Policy Recommendations of the Task Force Created to... Page 7 of 10
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LR 4129
Item 1

pastureland and horticultural land, differentiated by region where
justified. Any variation in assessment of farmland from the
recommended values must be substantiated by the local assessor
within the parameters allowed within this subchapter.

Sec. 12. 36 MRSA §2013, as amended by PL 1997, c. 514, §1, is
further amended by repealing and replacing the headnote to read:

§2013.__Refund of sales tax on electricity, depreciable machinery

and equipment purchases

Sec. 13. 36 MRSA §2013, sub-§§2 and 3, as amended by PL 1993, c. 151,
§1, are further amended to read:

2. Credit authorized. Any person, association of persons,
firm or corporation who that purchases electricity or that
purchases or leases depreciable machinery or equipment for use in
commercial agricultural production, commercial fishing or
commercial aquacultural production must be refunded the amount of
sales tax paid by presenting to the State Tax Assessor evidence
that the machinery or equipment complies with the definitions of
subsection 1 purchase is eligible for refund under this section.

Evidence required by the State Tax Assessor may include a copy or
copies of that portion of the purchaser's or lessee's most recent
filing under the United States Internal Revenue Code that
indicates that the purchaser or lessee is engaged in commercial
agricultural production, commercial fishing or commercial
aquacultural production and that the purchased machinery or
equipment is depreciable for those purposes or would be
depreciable for those purposes if owned by the lessee.

In the event that any piece of machinery or equipment is only
partially depreciable under the United States Internal Revenue
Code, any reimbursement of the sales tax must be prorated

Application for refunds must be filed with the State Tax Assessor
within 36 months of the date of purchase or execution of the

3. Exemption for large purchase after certification. Sales
tax is not paid on the purchase of electricity or a single item
of machinery or equipment if the purchaser has the certification
of the State Tax Assessor that the purchaser is engaged in
commercial agricultural production, commercial fishing or
commercial aquacultural production and that the purchaser may
purchase electricity or depreciable machinery and equipment
without paying Maine sales tax. The seller is required to obtain

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