LD 2671
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Implement Municipal Recommendations Regarding Surface Water Use on Gr... Page 4 of 4
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LR 4151
Item 1

P.__Tripp Pond, Upper Range Pond or Middle Range Pond in the
Town of Poland in Androscoggin County;

Q.__Keewaydin Lake, Virginia Lake, Trout Pond, Weymouth Pond
or Whitney Pond in the Town of Stoneham in Oxford County;

R.__Lermond Pond in the Town of Union and the Town of Hope
in Knox County;

S.__Pocasset Lake or Pickerel Pond in the Town of Wayne in
Kennebec County;

T.__Androscoggin Lake in the Town of Wayne in Kennebec
County and the Town of Leeds in Androscoggin County; or

U. Little Cobbosseecontee Lake in the Town of Winthrop in
Kennebec County.

Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §7801, sub-§36 is enacted to read:

36.__Operating rented or leased personal watercraft without
identification decal. A person is guilty of operating a rented or
leased personal watercraft without an identification decal if
that person operates a rented or leased personal watercraft on
Brandy Pond in the Town of Naples or on Long Lake in the Town of
Naples, the Town of Bridgton and the Town of Harrison that does
not have a clearly visible decal affixed to the personal
watercraft that identifies the rental agent.

Sec. 5. Preparation of identification decals. The Naples Conservation
Commission shall, in cooperation with businesses that rent or
lease personal watercraft for use on Brandy Pond in the Town of
Naples or on Long Lake in the Town of Naples, the Town of
Bridgton and the Town of Harrison, design and provide to those
businesses the identification decals required by the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 12, section 7801, subsection 36.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill may increase prosecutions for Class E crimes. If a
jail sentence is imposed, the additional costs to the counties
are estimated to be $83.36 per day per prisoner. The number of
prosecutions that may result in a jail sentence and the resulting
costs to the county jail system are expected to be insignificant.

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