LD 2675
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Create a Linked Investment Program for Child Care Providers LD 2675 Title Page
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LR 4118
Item 1

return otherwise achievable by the State in exchange for reduced
loan rates for child care providers may reduce General Fund revenue
from decreased investment income. The exact amount can not be
determined at this time. If the full $4,000,000 is invested using
General Fund resources under the provisions of this program, the
reduction in General Fund revenue from decreased investment income
could be approximately $80,000 in a fiscal year, beginning in
fiscal year 2000-01.

The Finance Authority of Maine will incur some minor
additional costs to assist the Treasurer of State and to
administer loans for child care providers. These costs can be
absorbed within the authority's existing budgeted resources.


This bill implements one of the recommendations of the
Business Advisory Commission on Quality Child Care Financing. It
establishes a linked investment program for child care providers.

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