LD 2676
pg. 13
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LR 4079
Item 1

Sec. 94. 22 MRSA §14, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 483, §1, is
further amended to read:

1. Recovery procedures. When benefits are provided or will
be provided to a beneficiary under the Medicaid program
administered by the department pursuant to the United States
Social Security Act, Title XIX, or under the Maine Health
Program, section 3189, for the medical costs of injury, disease,
disability or similar occurrence for which a 3rd party is, or may
be, liable, the commissioner may recover from that party the
reasonable value of the benefits provided. This right of
recovery is separate and independent from any rights or causes of
action belonging to a beneficiary under the Medicaid program or
under the Maine Health Program. For Medicaid recipients who
participated in the Medicaid managed care program, "reasonable
value" means the total value of coverable medical services
provided measured by the amount that Medicaid would have paid to
providers directly for such services, were it not for the managed
care system. The Medicaid program and Maine Health Program are
is the payors payor of last resort and should provide medical
coverage only when there are no other available resources. The
Attorney General, or counsel appointed by the Attorney General,
may, to enforce this right, institute and prosecute legal
proceedings directly against the 3rd party in the appropriate
court in the name of the commissioner.

In addition to the right of recovery set forth in this
subsection, the commissioner must also be subrogated, to the
extent of any benefits provided under the Medicaid program or
under the Maine Health Program, to any cause of action or claim
that a beneficiary has against a 3rd party who is or may be
liable for medical costs incurred by or on behalf of the
beneficiary. The Attorney General, or counsel appointed by the
Attorney General, to enforce this right may institute and
prosecute legal proceedings in the name of the injured person,
beneficiary, guardian, personal representative, estate or
survivor. If necessary to enforce the commissioner's right of
recovery, the Attorney General, or counsel appointed by the
Attorney General, may institute legal proceedings against any
beneficiary who has received a settlement or award from a 3rd

The commissioner's right to recover the reasonable value of
benefits provided constitutes a statutory lien on the proceeds of
an award or settlement from a 3rd party if recovery for Medicaid
costs was or could have been included in the recipient's claim
for damages from the 3rd party. The commissioner is entitled to
recover the amount of the benefits actually paid out or, with
regard to Medicaid recipients who participated in the managed
care program when the commissioner has determined that collection

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