LD 2676
pg. 8
Page 7 of 23 An Act to Repeal Certain Inactive Boards and Commissions and to Amend Certain L... Page 9 of 23
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LR 4079
Item 1

of funds contributed to the trust, must be deposited in an
operating account and made available for disbursement as
grants to accomplish the purposes of this section and as
expenditures for purposes of administering the trust.

B. An executive agency is not eligible to receive funding
from the trust unless the agency jointly undertakes a
research proposal with another entity that is not an
executive agency.

C. The foundation shall give preference to institutions,
organizations or entities located and operated in the State.

D. Principal, or interest earned from principal, with
special instructions from contributors must be awarded in
accordance with the contributors' instructions.

E. All money in the trust not immediately required for
payment, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, must be
invested by the Treasurer of State as authorized by section
138, except that the securities in which the trust money is
invested must remain part of the trust until exchanged for
other securities and the income from all investments must
remain a part of the trust unless prohibited by federal law.

Sec. 54. 5 MRSA §13130, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 903, §6, is
amended to read:

5. Report, amendment and termination of trust. The board
foundation shall file a report as follows.

A. The board foundation shall report to the Legislature on
a biennial basis concerning the activities of the trust.
The report may be submitted as part of the research
priorities statement required pursuant to section 13128,
subsection 1.

B. In the event the board foundation determines that the
provisions of the trust should be amended, the board
foundation shall make appropriate recommendations to the
Legislature in its biennial report.

C. The board foundation may recommend in its biennial
report that the trust be terminated if termination is
determined to be appropriate by unanimous vote of the board.
In the event that the Legislature terminates the trust, the
principal and operating funds are disbursed in a manner
consistent with the purpose of the trust.

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