LD 2679
pg. 2
Page 1 of 8 An Act to Establish the Council on Children and Families and to Ensure the Cont... Page 3 of 8
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LR 4120
Item 1

criminal justice matters; the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and
financial affairs; the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over education and cultural
affairs; and the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over health and human services matters.

The council shall ask the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial
Court to serve as a member of the council.

3.__Chair.__At the first meeting each year, the members shall
elect a person from among the membership to serve as chair for a
term of one year.__The chair may not serve more than 2 terms

§19122.__Purposes of the council; goals

The purposes of the council are to receive reports from and
advise and make policy recommendations to the Governor, the
Children's Cabinet, the Legislature and the judiciary regarding
the following goals:

1.__Encourage coordinated system.__To encourage a statewide
system of coordinated education and social services, including
health, mental health, juvenile justice and public safety
services, that is responsive to the current needs of children and
families and that is delivered by a partnership of schools and
public and private agencies; and to promote access to these
services, including coordination of these services among
departments and provider agencies, for all children and their
families who are in need of these services;

2.__Promote coordinated budgets and policy.__To promote a
comprehensive and coordinated approach to departmental budgets
and policy affecting education and social services, including
health, mental health, juvenile justice and public safety
services, to children and their families;

3.__Evaluate allocation of resources.__To evaluate on a
continuing basis the allocation of resources to ensure the
availability of quality education and social services, including
health, mental health, juvenile justice and public safety
services, delivered in a coordinated and efficient manner that is
consistent with the needs of children and their families;

4.__Evaluate program effectiveness.__To evaluate on a
continuing basis the effectiveness of programs to ensure that
resources are used in accordance with subsections 1 to 3 and to
promote the well-being of children and their families in the
State; and

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