LD 2680
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act Concerning Certain Contracts Affected by Electric Industry Restructuring... Page 3 of 3
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LR 4167
Item 1

charge determined on a monthly basis" means the charge
calculated by comparing the applicable figure for the month
for which a contract rate is to be established with the
applicable figure for the same month in the prior year;

B. For years in which the utility has sold the output of the
qualifying facility contract pursuant to Title 35-A, section
3204, subsection 4 and the qualifying facility has not, as
of the effective date of this paragraph, contracted for
retail power supply, the commission shall establish the
contract rate as a rate per kilowatt hour for each month
equal to the sum of the average per-kilowatt hour cost to
the qualifying facility of its purchases during the same
month of transmission and distribution service under all
applicable tariffs and of generation service. The qualifying
facility shall obtain its generation service through a
process that is approved by the commission; and

C.__Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for years in
which the utility has not sold the output of the qualifying
facility contract pursuant to Title 35-A, section 3204,
subsection 4, the commission may direct the utility to sell
the output of the qualifying facility back to the qualifying
facility or otherwise act to place the qualifying facility
and utility as close as possible to their positions with
respect to the contract prior to the implementation of
retail access.__In determining the positions of the
qualifying facility and the utility with respect to the
contract prior to the implementation of retail access, the
commission shall, at a minimum, consider and make specific
findings with regard to:

(1)__Benefits the qualifying facility received under
the contract, including any ability to avoid the
purchase of standby service and the cost of balancing
short-term differences in power generation and use; and

(2)__Benefits the utility received under the contract.

To the extent the commission is unable to restore both the
qualifying facility and the utility to their positions with
respect to the contract prior to the implementation of
retail access, the commission shall act to equitably
apportion the resulting costs and benefits between the
qualifying facility and the utility.__The commission shall
issue a decision under this paragraph within 6 months of a
filing by a utility or a qualifying facility for a
determination pursuant to this paragraph.

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