LD 2682
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Provide Equal Treatment for State Employees under Certain Federal Emp... LD 2682 Title Page
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LR 4162
Item 1

basis. The rates for insurance will be adjusted beginning in
fiscal year 2001-02.

This bill may increase the number of civil suits filed in the
court system. The additional workload and administrative costs
associated with the minimal number of new cases filed can be
absorbed within the budgeted resources of the Judicial
Department. The collection of additional filing fees may also
increase General Fund revenue by minor amounts.

The additional costs associated with representing the State
can be absorbed by the Department of the Attorney General
utilizing existing budgeted resources.


This bill is submitted by majority vote of the Joint Standing
Committee on Judiciary. It provides that the State consents to
be sued by its employees, former employees and employment
applicants under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, Title VII
of the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
and federal law authorizing suit for injury or death of a seaman.

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