LD 2683
pg. 2
Page 1 of 14 An Act to Enhance Economic Development in the State of Maine Page 3 of 14
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LR 4141
Item 1

Investment Program Fund, referred to in this section as the "fund,"
is established as a revolving fund, into which must be deposited
all amounts appropriated to the program or allocated for inclusion
in the fund, from whatever source, interest and investment earnings
on the fund and any amounts repaid to the program by participating
venture capital funds.

2. Eligible venture capital funds. Money in the fund may be
invested in one or more private, professionally managed venture
capital funds located in the State capable of providing venture
capital to businesses in order to create and protect jobs and
with an established track record of that provide evidence of past
or potential management success and risk diversification. To be
eligible for investments from the fund, a private venture capital
fund must:

A. Apply to the authority. The application must describe
the private venture capital fund and its funding sources,
the region it serves, its methods and criteria for
qualifying investments, including any targeted investing and
economic development strategy, its expertise in venture
capital assistance and investing in small and emerging
businesses, the method by which it will leverage funds from
other sources than those received from the fund and other
information the authority determines necessary;

B. Have a strategy for the creation and retention of jobs,
an effective small business marketing and technical
assistance plan and enough expert assistance available to it
to underwrite, document and service investments and to
assist the businesses in which it invests;

C. Be determined by the authority to be able to prudently
and effectively administer venture capital investments; and

D. Propose performance standards and goals and a process
for monitoring compliance with proposed measurement and

Sec. B-2. 10 MRSA §1026-N, sub-§4, ķA, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 424,
§1, is amended to read:

A. The private venture capital fund shall certify that it
will use funds only for eligible purposes and that it will
make best efforts to invest an amount equal to the
authority's investment in the fund in businesses that meet
all eligibility requirements for a tax credit certificate
pursuant to section 1100-T, subsection 2, paragraph B;

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