LD 2683
pg. 9
Page 8 of 14 An Act to Enhance Economic Development in the State of Maine Page 10 of 14
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LR 4141
Item 1



Regional Economic Development

Assistance Fund

All Other$500,000

Provides funds for grants to nonprofit local
or regional community organizations to provide
seed funds to develop effective economic
development programs.


Sec. H-1. 10 MRSA §997-B, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 474, §2, is
amended to read:

§997-B. Agricultural Products Utilization Commission

The Agricultural Products Utilization Commission, as
established in Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 6-F, referred
to in this section as the "commission," shall advise the members
of the authority on the adoption, amendment or repeal of rules,
policies or administrative procedures for carrying out section
997-A. The commission shall work with state departments and
agencies to identify issues related to the development of
agriculturally derived fuel industries in the State. In
addition, the commission shall advise the members of the
authority on environmental impact considerations, including the
impact that agriculturally derived fuels may have on ground
water. The commission may also identify agriculturally derived
fuel development programs, including incentives, financing and
other market and infrastructure issues, and analyze the potential
for agriculturally derived fuel production in the State.

1. Membership. The commission consists of 11 12 members.
Five members must be appointed by the Governor for terms of 2
years each, arranged so that 2 terms expire in odd-numbered years
and 3 terms expire in even-numbered years; 3 of these must be
actively engaged in farming in this State and 2 members appointed
by the Governor must be actively engaged in business in this
State. The Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources
shall appoint one member for a term of 2 years, which expires in
odd-numbered years. The member appointed by the Commissioner of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources must be actively engaged in
farming in this State. The Commissioner of Environmental
Protection shall appoint one member for a term of 2 years, which

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