LD 2684
pg. 15
Page 14 of 15 An Act to Improve Oversight and Accountability of Student Loan Programs Funded ... LD 2684 Title Page
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LR 4144
Item 1

with a public purpose and submit copies of IRS files and returns
with the Attorney General and the Legislature on an annual basis.
The bill also adds language allowing the Governor to request that
one or more state agencies acquire student loans as the secondary
market if MELMAC fails to comply with the new statutory

The bill replaces MELMAC's president as a member of the MELA
board with a representative from technical colleges appointed by
the Governor. The bill provides that the Treasurer of State will
no longer be a voting member of the MELA board. It requires MELA
to use competitive bidding for administrative and clerical
services. It adds language clarifying that MELA has authority to
issue supplemental education loans only. It requires MELA to
provide public notice of its activities and demonstrate that its
use of bond proceeds is consistent with a public purpose. The
bill adds a sunset of March 15, 2001 to the statutory provision
allowing MELA to delegate its powers and duties to a nonprofit
corporation and asks the MELA board to recommend whether the
statutory provision should be retained. The bill also requires
that the MELA board study the issue of whether to move the
functions of MELA to FAME and report back to the First Regular
Session of the 120th Legislature.

The bill removes language authorizing an allocation of the
state ceiling to FAME for the Loans to Lenders Pilot Program.

The bill changes the timing of required disclosures to a time
before any loans using bond cap money are issued.

The bill clarifies that the provisions in the bill are not
intended to impair any outstanding bond obligations or contracts
of MELMAC or MELA or adversely impact the exclusion from gross
income of interest on outstanding tax-exempt bonds previously
issued by MELMAC or MELA.

The bill also includes a fiscal note.

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