LD 2685
pg. 1
LD 2685 Title Page An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Consider the Enhan... Page 2 of 14
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LR 4135
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA c. 319 is enacted to read:



§3371.__Maine Fire Protection Services Commission

1.__Commission established.__The Maine Fire Protection
Services Commission, referred to in this chapter as the
"commission," is established to monitor and evaluate the State's
fire protection services system on a continuing basis and to
provide recommendations to the appropriate state agencies and to
the Legislature regarding necessary changes in the fire
protection services system.__The commission is established
pursuant to section 12004-J, subsection 12.

2.__Membership.__The commission consists of 21 members
appointed as follows:

A.__Two members of the Senate who sit on the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over fire
protection matters, appointed by the President of the

B.__Three members of the House of Representatives who sit on
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over fire protection matters, appointed by the
Speaker of the House of Representatives;

C.__The State Fire Marshal or the fire marshal's designee;

D.__The Supervisor of the Forest Fire Control Division of
the Maine Forest Service or the supervisor's designee;

E.__The Director of the Bureau of Labor Standards or the
director's designee;

F.__One municipal fire chief who is a full-time fire chief
and a member of the Maine Fire Chiefs Association, appointed
by the Governor;

G.__One municipal fire chief who is a volunteer fire chief
and a member of the Maine Fire Chiefs Association, appointed
by the Governor;

H.__One municipal fire chief who is paid on call and a
member of the Maine Fire Chiefs Association, appointed by
the Governor;

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