LD 2685
pg. 3
Page 2 of 14 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Consider the Enhan... Page 4 of 14
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LR 4135
Item 1

D.__Other appointed members who are neither Legislators nor
gubernatorial appointees serve for terms of 3 years.

5. Meetings.__The commission may meet as often as necessary
but must meet at least quarterly.__A meeting may be called by the
chair or by any 4 members.__The commission shall take and
maintain minutes of all meetings.

6.__Staffing.__If funding permits, the commission may employ
staff as needed.__The staffs of the members represented on the
commission may assist the commission in carrying out its
functions and duties within their existing resources.__The
commission may contract for administrative, professional and
clerical services if funding permits.

7.__Funding.__The commission may seek, accept and expend
outside funding to carry out its duties.

8.__Duties.__The commission shall:

A.__Regularly advise the Governor and executive officers,
the Legislature, the Maine Forest Service, municipal fire
departments and any other parties affected by its
recommendations regarding fire protection services;

B.__Submit a report containing the results of its studies,
findings and recommendations to the Governor and to the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over fire protection services matters by
December 31st of each year.__As resources permit, the report
must include:

(1)__A detailed assessment of existing and needed
resources within the State's fire protection services
system, including capital needs for training

(2)__A detailed assessment of expected resource needs
in the State's fire protection services system and
recommendations for funding those needs, including an
evaluation of the appropriate level for the fire
premium tax and bond initiative proposals;

(3)__An evaluation of existing fire prevention, fire
suppression, fire safety and fire training strategies
and programs, including recommendations for
improvements or new programs or strategies;

(4)__Recommendations for effective management of
resources within the State's fire protection services

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