LD 2685
pg. 7
Page 6 of 14 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Consider the Enhan... Page 8 of 14
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LR 4135
Item 1

the firefighter or emergency medical services person in equal
shares and 1/2 to the surviving spouse;

C.__If there is no surviving spouse, to the child or
children of the firefighter or emergency medical services
person in equal shares; or

D.__If there is no surviving child or spouse of the
firefighter or emergency medical services person, to the
parent or parents of the firefighter or emergency medical
services person in equal shares.

2.__Interim benefit payment.__When the State Fire Marshal
determines upon showing of need and prior to final action that
the death of a firefighter or emergency medical services person
is one with respect to which a benefit will probably be paid, the
State Fire Marshal may make an interim benefit payment not
exceeding $3,000 to the individual or individuals entitled to
receive a benefit under subsection 1 in the manner set out in
subsection 1.

3.__Deduction of interim payment.__The State Fire Marshal
shall deduct the amount of an interim payment made pursuant to
subsection 2 from the amount of any final benefit paid to the
individual or individuals entitled to receive a benefit under
subsection 1.

4.__Repayment of interim payment; waiver.__If a final benefit
is not paid, the recipient or recipients of any interim payment
under subsection 2 are liable for repayment of the amount
received. The State Fire Marshal may waive all or part of the
repayment if the State Fire Marshall determines that undue
hardship would result from that repayment.

5.__Execution or attachment prohibited.__A benefit paid under
this section is not subject to execution or attachment.

6.__Other benefits. The $50,000 benefit payable under this
section may not be considered a benefit paid under "similar law"
for purposes of Title 5, sections 18005 and 18605 and may not be
used to reduce any accidental death benefit amount payable under
those provisions or under any other provision of law.

7.__Rulemaking.__The State Fire Marshal shall adopt rules to
carry out the purposes of this section.__Rules adopted pursuant
to this section are routine technical rules pursuant to Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. 6. 30-A MRSA c. 154 is enacted to read:

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