LD 2687
pg. 25
Page 24 of 27 An Act to Implement a Maine Meat and Poultry Inspection Program Page 26 of 27
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LR 4026
Item 1

offered or received for distribution in violation of this chapter
or the rules adopted under this chapter; is adulterated or
misbranded and is useable as human food; or in any other way is in
violation of this chapter is liable to be proceeded against and
seized and condemned, at any time, on a complaint in Superior Court
as provided in section 2527.__If the product or animal is condemned
it must, after entry of the decree, be disposed of by destruction
or sale as the court may direct and the proceeds, if sold, less the
court costs and fees and storage and other proper expenses, must be
paid into the State Treasury.__The product or animal may not be
sold contrary to the provisions of this chapter, the federal acts
or the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.__Upon the execution
and delivery of a good and sufficient bond guaranteeing that the__
product or animal will not be sold or otherwise disposed of
contrary to the provisions of this chapter or the laws of the
United States, the court may direct that the product or animal be
delivered to the owner, subject to supervision by authorized
representatives of the commissioner to ensure compliance with the
applicable laws.__If a decree of condemnation is entered against
the product or animal and it is released under bond or destroyed,
court costs and fees and storage and other proper expenses must be
awarded against the person, if any, intervening as claimant of the
product or animal.

2.__Unimpaired authority.__This section does not impair the
authority for condemnation or seizure conferred by other
provisions of this chapter or other laws.

§2527.__Appeal and jurisdiction

1.__Appeal.__An order issued under section 2512, subsection 1,
paragraph C; section 2512, subsection 2, paragraph A, B or C;
section 2514, subsection 6; or a decision issued by the
commissioner under section 2514, subsection 6 is final unless
appealed to Superior Court within 15 days after service. An
appeal of any other order or decision of the commissioner may be
taken pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375.__Review of any order and
the determinations upon which it is based must be in the record
in the administrative proceeding in which the order was issued.

2.__Jurisdiction.__The Superior Court has legal and equitable
jurisdiction to enforce, prevent and restrain violations of this
chapter and has legal and equitable jurisdiction in all other
cases arising under this chapter.__The Superior Court and
District Court are granted jurisdiction to handle criminal
matters arising under this chapter and rules.

Sec. 2. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from the
General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Act.

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