LD 2689
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Allow the St. Agatha Sanitary District to be Dissolved and Combined w... Page 3 of 3
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LR 4195
Item 1

lands, buildings, sewers, filtration and treatment plants, tanks,
standpipes, mains, pumps, pipes, machinery, fixtures, services,
tools, flush tanks, manholes, catch basins, pumping stations and
other equipment, appliances and property used or usable for
collecting, holding, purifying and disposing of sewage matter and
waste waters for domestic, sanitary, commercial, industrial and
municipal purposes in consideration of the assumption by the Town
of St. Agatha of all of the outstanding debts, obligations and
liabilities of the St. Agatha Sanitary District, including, without
limitation, the assumption of any outstanding notes or bonds of the
St. Agatha Sanitary District that are due on or after the date of

Sec. 3. Contracts of St. Agatha Sanitary District. All contracts between the
St. Agatha Sanitary District and any person, firm or corporation
relating to supplying sewer service that are in effect on the
date of the transfer by the district to the Town of St. Agatha
are assumed and carried out by the town.

Sec. 4. Dissolution and termination of St. Agatha Sanitary District; pledge of revenues.
If all debts, obligations and other liabilities of the St. Agatha
Sanitary District are paid in full and discharged or the holders
or owners of all debts, obligations and other liabilities that
have not been paid in full and discharged have assented to the
assumption of the debts, obligations and other liabilities by the
Town of St. Agatha and to the notation and substitution of the
town as obligator in place of the St. Agatha Sanitary District,
when the transfer of properties pursuant to sections 1 and 2 is
complete, the clerk of the St. Agatha Sanitary District shall
file a certificate to that effect with the Secretary of State and
the corporate existence of the St. Agatha Sanitary District
terminates. Upon acceptance of this Act by the Town of St.
Agatha pursuant to section 6, the town is authorized to issue its
notes or bonds in the form of either a general obligation pledge
or a revenue pledge, as the municipal officers may determine, or
to deliver other instruments evidencing its assumption of the
debts, obligations and other liabilities of the St. Agatha
Sanitary District without the need for any further action or

Until the corporate existence of the St. Agatha Sanitary
District is terminated pursuant to this section, the gross
revenues derived by the Town of St. Agatha from the sale of sewer
service within the area comprising the limits of the district
must be applied first to the payment of expenses and 2nd to
payments of debts, obligations and other liabilities of the St.
Agatha Sanitary District assumed by the town pursuant to this

Sec. 5. Existing laws not affected; rights conferred subject to provisions of law.
Nothing in this Act is intended to repeal or may be

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