LD 2690
pg. 12
Page 11 of 13 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force to Review the Educati... Page 13 of 13
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LR 4179
Item 1


This bill establishes the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf
as a quasi-independent entity, resulting in the school incurring
additional administrative expenses to replicate financial and
administrative services currently provided by the State. The
amount of the additional costs beginning in fiscal year 2001-02
can not be determined at this time.

For fiscal year 1999-00 and fiscal year 2000-01, this bill
authorizes unexpended funds in the Governor Baxter School for the
Deaf program to be carried forward to assist with implementing
basic school approval corrective action and for expenses related
to the transition. Based on the school's expenditures to date,
the amounts to be carried forward are likely to exceed $100,000,
reducing the amounts that would otherwise lapse to the General

The establishment of a satellite school program beginning with
the 2002-03 school year will result in additional costs. The
amount of the additional costs and the future General Fund
appropriations that will be required can not be determined at
this time.

The costs associated with conducting a needs assessment are
estimated to be $50,000 in fiscal year 2000-01. If the amounts
carried forward are not sufficient to fund these additional
costs, the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf will require an
additional General Fund appropriation.

Several departments and agencies will incur some minor
additional costs to assist the Governor Baxter School for the
Deaf to implement the transition to a quasi-independent entity.
The costs incurred by those departments and agencies can be
absorbed within their existing budgeted resources.


This bill is the unanimous report of the committee pursuant to
H.P. 1587. The bill makes several changes to the governance
system and the educational programs of the Governor Baxter School
for the Deaf. The bill amends the structure of the school board
and makes a number of transition provisions to grant the school
board greater autonomy in governing and operating the programs of
the school. The bill accomplishes the following.

1. It provides for a transition over a 2-year period to
achieve greater autonomy from State Government; the transition
will be fully accomplished by July 1, 2002.

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