LD 2690
pg. 4
Page 3 of 13 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force to Review the Educati... Page 5 of 13
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LR 4179
Item 1

of any official business, except that 8 affirmative votes are
necessary to approve the budget.

5. Terms of voting members. The terms of the voting members
of the school board are for 3 years, unless otherwise designated,
and are staggered with 1/3 of the voting members appointed each
year. Of the initial appointees, one each as designated in
subsection 1, paragraphs A to D, must be appointed for a term of
3 years; one each as designated in subsection 1, paragraphs A to
D, must be appointed for a term of 2 years; and one each as
designated in subsection 1, paragraphs A, B and E, must be
appointed for a term of one year. Members may be appointed for
consecutive terms.

6. Terms of nonvoting members. The terms of the nonvoting
student members, pursuant to subsection 1, paragraph F, must be
determined by the school board. The school board shall submit a
list of recommendations to the Governor to aid in making
appointments of nonvoting members.

7. Expenses. Voting members of the school board must be
compensated according to the provisions of Title 5, chapter 379.

8. Appointments. The Governor shall appoint members to the
school board by September 1, 1996.

Sec. 8. 20-A MRSA §7407, sub-§§3, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 676, §5
and affected by §13, is amended to read:

3. Administration. The school board shall oversee the
administration of the center school and any satellite school,
including the hiring of academic, residential, outreach and
support staff of the center school.

Sec. 9. 20-A MRSA §7407, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 676, §5 and
affected by §13, is repealed.

Sec. 10. 20-A MRSA §7407, sub-§4-A is enacted to read:

4-A.__Budget development.__The school board shall, with the
aid of the superintendent and staff, prepare an annual budget for
the operation of the school and exercise budgetary
responsibility.__The school board shall allocate for expenditure
by the school and programs under its jurisdiction all the
resources available for the operation of the school and its
programs.__Annually, not later than January 1, 2001, beginning
with the fiscal year 2001-02, the school board shall present to
the Governor for submission to the Legislature and review by the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over education matters the administrative operating budget of the

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