LD 2690
pg. 7
Page 6 of 13 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force to Review the Educati... Page 8 of 13
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LR 4179
Item 1

(2) Any school, water, sewer, fire or other district;

(3) The Maine Turnpike Authority;

(4) Any board of directors functioning as a regional
intermediate education unit pursuant to Title 20-A,
section 7730;

(5) Any county or subdivision of a county; or

(6) The Maine State Retirement System; or

(7)__The Governor Baxter School for the Deaf; or

Sec. 14. Needs assessment. The School Board of the Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf is responsible for making provision for a
needs assessment to determine the educational needs of deaf and
hard-of-hearing students in all geographic areas of the State
regarding student placement in satellite programs, including
residential programs at any satellite location, that are
necessary to satisfy the individualized education program
requirements of state and federal law.

The State Board of Education shall appoint the needs assessment
team that includes, but is not limited to, representatives of the
following interested parties: the School Board of the Governor
Baxter School for the Deaf, the Department of Education, public
schools in the State that send students to the Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf, public schools in the State that have
students who receive outreach services from the Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf and the deaf community. The needs assessment
team may hold public hearings and conduct focus group discussions
to carry out the purposes of this section. The school board may
retain the services of a consultant with expertise in the
education of deaf and hard-of-hearing students. The consultant
may provide professional services to the assessment team in
developing, reviewing and analyzing the needs assessment required
by this section.

The needs assessment team shall study the creation of a satellite
program, including provision of an array of day, residential and
outreach programs and including the interest in and the scope of
program placements necessary for deaf and hard-of-hearing
students who reside in all geographic areas of the State. The
needs assessment team shall also consider how satellite day and
residential programs will be funded, whether or not the current
residential program located on Mackworth Island should be
maintained as part of future plans for the center school of the
Governor Baxter School for the Deaf, established by the Maine

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