LD 2691
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Clarify the Law Enforcement Authority of Game Wardens LD 2691 Title Page
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LR 4201
Item 1

2. The person is in the act of hunting, fishing or trapping; and

3. The person is not in or on a motor vehicle. The
definition of "motor vehicle" in the fish and wildlife laws
excludes motorboats but includes all other motor-driven vehicles.

This bill also clarifies that wardens have the authority to
establish checkpoints to collect statistics and determine
compliance with the fish and wildlife laws. Such checkpoints
must be established pursuant to policy established by the
Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Current law
authorizes wardens to issue citations and prosecute violations
and to seize fish and wildlife unlawfully taken.

Finally, this bill states that wardens' primary responsibility
is enforcement of laws protecting fish and wildlife.

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