LD 2693
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish Requirements for the Removal of Directors of Certain Maine ... LD 2693 Title Page
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LR 4206
Item 1

E. Such other officers or persons as may be provided in the
articles of incorporation, or in the bylaws.

Sec. 2. 13-A MRSA §603, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Special meetings of the shareholders of a corporation with
a class of voting stock registered under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended, may be called in accordance with
subsection 4 except that, notwithstanding subsection 4, paragraph
D, any special meeting expressly called for the purpose of
removing one or more members of the board of directors within 90
days following the meeting of shareholders of the corporation at
which a director or directors last stood for election may be
called by the holders of not less than 50% of the shares entitled
to vote at the meeting.

Sec. 3. Retroactivity. This Act applies retroactively to April 1,

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill amends the Maine Business Corporation Act to provide
that special meetings of shareholders of publicly traded
companies called for the purpose of removing any member of the
board of directors within 90 days following the meeting at which
a director was last elected may be called by any of the persons
listed in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 13-A, section 603,
subsection 4, paragraph A, B, C or E, or by the holders of at
least 50% of the shares entitled to vote at the meeting.

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