LD 29
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force to Reduce the Burden ... LD 29 Title Page
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LR 177
Item 1

2. Timely distribution of benefits. The authority shall make
available to local program operators and municipal administrators
of the fuel assistance program, by October 1st at the beginning of
each state fiscal year, funds sufficient to cover anticipated fuel
assistance payments and program administrative costs for at least
the months of October, November and December July, August and

3. Conditional use of the fund. The authority's use of the
fund is subject to the following conditions and limitations.

A. If the authority reasonably anticipates that federal
fuel assistance block grant funds are not available for
distribution to the local program operators and municipal
administrators by October July 1st of each year, the
authority shall withdraw and distribute sufficient money
from the fund as is necessary for the purposes set forth in
this section. The authority may withdraw funds prior to
October 1st, provided that those funds are used only for
costs incurred on or after October July 1st.

Money may not be withdrawn from the fund if sufficient block
grant funds are available by October July 1st to pay
reasonably anticipated fuel assistance program and
administrative costs for the months of October, November and
December July, August and September.

B. Money withdrawn from the fund must be sufficient to
cover anticipated fuel assistance payments and fuel
assistance program administrative costs for all local
program operators and municipal administrators for the
months of October, November and December July, August and

C. The fund may not be used if the authority reasonably
anticipates that no federal fuel assistance money will be

D.__The authority must receive prior written approval from
the Federal Government that confirms that state funds
withdrawn during a period from July 1st to September 30th
may be reimbursed with federal fuel assistance funds
received for the federal program year beginning in October
of that same year.

4. Recapitalization. If money is withdrawn from the fund for
the purposes of this section, the authority shall ensure that the
fund is fully recapitalized before the end of the fiscal year in
which the funds were appropriated. Recapitalization does not

apply in any state fiscal year in which a working capital advance
is provided.

5.__Working capital advance.__The State Controller may advance
up to $10,000,000 from the General Fund unappropriated surplus to
the Fuel Assistance Reserve Fund during any state fiscal year, if
requested in writing by the Director of the Maine State Housing
Authority, to be used to provide cash necessary to ensure that
fuel assistance benefits for the State's eligible elderly and
low-income applicant households will be available prior to the
beginning of the heating season.__These funds must be allotted by
financial order upon recommendation of the State Budget Officer
and approval of the Governor.__These funds must be returned to
the General Fund before the close of the state fiscal year in
which the advance was made.__The State Controller shall report to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs within 30
days of making any working capital advance for this purpose.


Sec. B-1. Maine State Housing Authority shall identify funding for nonfederal share of
weatherization program costs. The Maine State Housing Authority in
consultation with other affected state agencies that receive
federal Department of Energy funding shall report to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
utilities and energy matters and the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and
financial affairs on identifying the most effective way to
provide adequate funding of the 25% nonfederal share of
weatherization program costs.

The authority shall identify the source or sources of the
match necessary to meet this cost-sharing requirement. The
authority shall identify an appropriate long-term funding
solution. The authority shall submit a report with accompanying
legislation if necessary to the First Regular Session of the
120th Legislature by March 15, 2001.


Sec. C-1. Maine State Housing Authority and the Finance Authority of Maine shall
establish program that provides low-interest loans or grants for energy conservation
improvements. The Maine State Housing Authority and the Finance
Authority of Maine shall work cooperatively to establish a
program that provides low-interest loans or grants to Maine
citizens for purchasing certain energy conservation

improvements. The Maine State Housing Authority with the
assistance of the Finance Authority of Maine shall report to the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over utilities and energy matters and the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial affairs on identifying ways to
encourage citizens of this State to secure low-interest loans or
grants as part of this energy conservation program. The Maine
State Housing Authority shall submit a report with accompanying
legislation to the First Regular Session of the 120th Legislature
by March 15, 2001.


Sec. D-1. Authorization of bonds to provide low-interest loans or grants for energy
conservation improvements to low-income and moderate-income citizens. The
Treasurer of State is authorized, under the direction of the
Governor, to issue bonds in the name and on behalf of the State
in an amount not exceeding $8,000,000 to raise funds for low-
income and moderate-income citizens to obtain low-interest loans
or grants for energy conservation improvements as authorized in
section 6 of this Part. The bonds are a pledge of the full faith
and credit of the State. The bonds may not run for a period
longer than 20 years from the date of the original issue of the
bonds. At the discretion of the Treasurer of State, with the
approval of the Governor, any issuance of bonds may contain a
call feature.

Sec. D-2. Records of bonds issued to be kept by Treasurer of State. The Treasurer
of State shall keep an account of each bond showing the number of
the bond, the name of the successful bidder to whom sold, the
amount received for the bond, the date of sale and the date when

Sec. D-3. Sale; how negotiated; proceeds appropriated. The Treasurer of
State may negotiate the sale of the bonds by direction of the
Governor, but no bond may be loaned, pledged or hypothecated on
behalf of the State. The proceeds of the sale of the bonds,
which must be held by the Treasurer of State, and paid by the
Treasurer of State, upon warrants drawn by the State Controller,
are appropriated solely for the purposes set forth in this Part.
Any unencumbered balances remaining at the completion of the
project in section 6 of this Part lapse to the debt service
account established for the retirement of these bonds.

Sec. D-4. Interest and debt retirement. The Treasurer of State shall pay
interest due or accruing on any bonds issued under this Part and
all sums coming due for payment of bonds at maturity.

Sec. D-5. Disbursement of bond proceeds. The proceeds of the bonds must
be expended as set out in section 6 of this Part under the
direction and supervision of the Maine State Housing Authority.

Sec. D-6. Allocations from General Fund bond issue; low-interest loans or grants for
energy conservation improvements for low-income and moderate-income citizens. The
proceeds of the sale of bonds must be expended as designated in
the following schedule.


Low-interest loans or grants for energy
conservation improvements for low-income and
moderate-income citizens.

Sec. D-7. Contingent upon ratification of bond issue. Sections 1 to 6 of this
Part do not become effective unless the people of the State have
ratified the issuance of bonds as set forth in this Part.

Sec. D-8. Appropriation balances at year-end. At the end of each fiscal
year, all unencumbered appropriation balances representing state
money carry forward. Bond proceeds that have not been expended
within 10 years after the date of the sale of the bonds lapse to
General Fund debt service.

Sec. D-9. Bonds authorized but not issued. Any bonds authorized but not
issued, or for which bond anticipation notes are not issued
within 5 years of ratification of this Part, are deauthorized and
may not be issued; except that the Legislature may, within 2
years after the expiration of that 5-year period, extend the
period for issuing any remaining unissued bonds or bond
anticipation notes for an additional amount of time not to exceed
5 years.

Sec. D-10. Referendum for ratification; submission at statewide election; form of
question; effective date. This Part must be submitted to the legal
voters of the State of Maine at a statewide election held on the
Tuesday following the first Monday of November following passage
of this Part. The municipal officers of this State shall notify
the inhabitants of their respective cities, towns and plantations
to meet, in the manner prescribed by law for holding a statewide
election, to vote on the acceptance or rejection of this Part by
voting on the following question:

"Do you favor an $8,000,000 bond issue for direct loans or
grants to Maine citizens for energy conservation

The legal voters of each city, town and plantation shall vote
by ballot on this question and designate their choice by a cross
or check mark placed within a corresponding square below the word
"Yes" or "No." The ballots must be received, sorted, counted and
declared in open ward, town and plantation meetings and returns
made to the Secretary of State in the same manner as votes for
members of the Legislature. The Governor shall review the
returns and, if a majority of the legal votes are cast in favor
of this Part, the Governor shall proclaim the result without
delay, and this Part becomes effective 30 days after the date of
the proclamation.

The Secretary of State shall prepare and furnish to each city,
town and plantation all ballots, returns and copies of this Part
necessary to carry out the purpose of this referendum.


Sec. E-1. 30-A MRSA c. 201, sub-c. XII-A is enacted to read:



§4981.__Energy Conservation Revolving Loan Fund

1.__Fund established.__ The Energy Conservation Revolving Loan
Fund, referred to in this section as the "fund," is established
as a nonlapsing fund administered by the Maine State Housing
Authority, referred to in this section as the "authority."__The
fund consists of loan repayments of principal and interest made
by eligible applicants to the fund and other money available to
the fund including eligible investment earnings from fund assets.__
The fund must be held separate from all other money, funds and
accounts, and all eligible investment earnings from fund assets
must be credited to the fund.

2.__Fund purposes.__The authority shall administer the fund to
provide direct loans or grants for all or part of certain energy
conservation projects on an annual basis.__The authority shall
identify energy conservation improvements that offer low-income
and moderate-income households the highest paybacks.

3.__Application process.__The authority with assistance from
the Finance Authority of Maine shall adopt rules establishing an

application process for energy conservation improvement grants
and low-interest energy conservation loans.

4.__Rules.__The authority shall adopt rules necessary to
administer the fund.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are
routine technical rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

5.__Report.__The authority shall submit to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over business
and economic development matters and the joint standing committee
of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and
financial affairs an update on the fund by January 1, 2003 and
every year thereafter.

Sec. E-2. Application; contingent on bond issue. This Part takes effect only
if an $8,000,000 general revenue bond issue for low-interest
loans or grants for energy conservation improvements for low-
income and moderate-income citizens is approved by the voters of
this State.


Sec. F-1. Maine State Housing Authority shall report on feasibility of establishing Office
of Energy Conservation. The Maine State Housing Authority, with
assistance from the State Planning Office, shall report to the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over utilities and energy matters and the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial affairs on the feasibility of
establishing an Office of Energy Conservation within the Maine
State Housing Authority. The new Office of Energy Conservation
would be established with existing personnel performing similar
functions elsewhere in State Government along with 2 new
positions and would be charged with the following:

1. Providing a new comprehensive energy conservation plan for
this State and updating it every 2 years;

2. Coordinating all state energy conservation programs;

3. Encouraging conservation of energy and development of this
State's energy resources to assist citizens in surviving the
winter heating season; and

4. Soliciting and incorporating advice and comment from
affected stakeholders including representatives of the energy
industry, utilities, energy conservation service providers, low-
income households and environmental agencies.

This report must be submitted with accompanying legislation if
necessary to the First Regular Session of the 120th Legislature
by March 15, 2001.


Sec. G-1. Maine State Housing Authority shall annually study percentage of Low-income
Home Energy Assistance Program funds used for weatherization services. The Maine
State Housing Authority shall investigate in April of 2001, 2002
and 2003 the possibility of increasing the percentage of Low-
income Home Energy Assistance Program funds from 15% up to as
high as 25% for weatherization services.


Sec. H-1. 35-A MRSA §121 is enacted to read:

§121.__Effects of interruptible gas services

The Public Utilities Commission shall monitor the effects of
interruptible gas services on the supply and price of home
heating oil in this State.


Sec. I-1. State Planning Office shall conduct study regarding reduction of energy
consumption. The State Planning Office shall conduct a study to
determine whether this State can reduce its per capita
residential energy consumption by 25% by 2011. Particular
attention must be paid to low-income to moderate-income
households that lack the financial and technical resources to
identify energy conservation opportunities and to acquire the
energy conservation goods and services needed to achieve
significant savings. The State Planning Office shall report on
requiring higher efficiency ratings for heating systems,
appliances and energy building standards. The State Planning
Office shall also analyze the possibility of requiring higher
efficiency ratings for heating systems, appliances and energy
building standards. The State Planning Office shall investigate
the value of tax incentives for implementing measures identified
in energy audits for energy conservation improvements for Maine
citizens. The State Planning Office shall report to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
taxation matters, the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over utilities and energy

matters and the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs on
establishing Maine energy independence programs and financing
mechanisms to achieve this goal. The State Planning Office shall
submit a report with accompanying legislation to the First
Regular Session of the 120th Legislature by March 15, 2001.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved, unless otherwise indicated.


This bill implements the recommendations of the Task Force to
Reduce the Burden of Home Heating Costs on Low-income Households
established in the Second Regular Session of the 119th
Legislature by Resolve 1999, chapter 132. The bill does the

1. Establishes a summer "fill" program to provide low-income
households that are eligible for fuel assistance through the Low-
income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) with an initial
supply of fuel;

2. Requires the Maine State Housing Authority to identify the
most effective way to provide adequate funding of the anticipated
25% nonfederal share of the weatherization program;

3. Establishes a program funded by a bond issue to allow low-
income and middle-income citizens to obtain low-interest loans or
grants for energy conservation improvements;

4. Requires the Maine State Housing Authority and the State
Planning Office to investigate the possibility of establishing a
separate Office of Energy Conservation within the Maine State
Housing Authority;

5. Requires the Maine State Housing Authority to annually for
3 years investigate the possibility of increasing the percentage
of LIHEAP funds for weatherization services;

6. Requires the Public Utilities Commission to monitor the
effects of interruptible gas services on the supply and price of
home heating oil; and

7. Requires the State Planning Office to conduct a study to
determine whether the State of Maine can reduce its per capita
residential energy consumption by 25% by 2011.

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