LD 63
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide 4-ye... LD 63 Title Page
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Item 1

the House. The meetings within this State for the choice of
Representatives shall be warned in due course of law by qualified
officials of the several towns and cities 7 days at least before
the election, and the election officials of the various towns and
cities shall preside impartially at such meetings, receive the
votes of all the qualified electors, sort, count and declare them
in open meeting; and a list of the persons voted for shall be
formed, with the number of votes for each person against that
person's name. Cities and towns belonging to any Representative
District shall hold their meetings at the same time in the
respective cities and towns; and such meetings shall be notified,
held and regulated, the votes received, sorted, counted and
declared in the same manner. Fair copies of the lists of votes
shall be attested by the municipal officers and the clerks of the
cities and towns and the city and town clerks respectively shall
cause the same to be delivered into the office of the Secretary
of State forthwith. The Governor shall examine the returned
copies of such lists and 7 days before the first Wednesday of
December biennially following the general election, shall issue a
summons to such persons as shall appear to have been elected by a
plurality of all votes returned, to attend and take their seats.
All such lists shall be laid before the House of Representatives
on the first Wednesday of December biennially following the
general election, and they shall finally determine who are

Constitution, Art. IV, Part Second, §5 is amended to read:

Section 5. Determination of Senators elected; procedure for
filling vacancies. The Senate shall, on said first Wednesday of
December, biennially following the general election, determine
who is elected by a plurality of votes to be Senator in each
district. All vacancies in the Senate arising from death,
resignation, removal from the State or like causes, and also
vacancies, if any, which may occur because of the failure of any
district to elect by a plurality of votes the Senator to which
said district shall be entitled shall be filled by an immediate
election in the unrepresented district. The Governor shall issue
a proclamation therefor and therein fix the time of such

Constitution, Art. IV, Part Third, §1 is amended to read:

Section 1. To meet annually; power of Legislature to convene
itself at other times; extent of legislative power. The
Legislature shall convene on the first Wednesday of December
following the general election in what shall be designated the
first regular session of the Legislature; and shall further
convene on the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday of January
in the subsequent even-numbered year 3 years in what shall be
designated the second, third and fourth regular session sessions
of the Legislature; provided, however, that the business of the
second and fourth regular session sessions of the Legislature
shall be limited to budgetary matters; legislation in the
Governor's call; legislation of an emergency nature admitted by
the Legislature; legislation referred to committees for study and
report by the Legislature in the first or third regular session
as the case may be; and legislation presented to the Legislature
by written petition of the electors under the provisions of
Article IV, Part Third, Section 18. The Legislature shall enact
appropriate statutory limits on the length of the first and third
regular session sessions and of the second and fourth regular
session sessions. The Legislature may convene at such other
times on the call of the President of the Senate and Speaker of
the House, with the consent of a majority of the Members of the
Legislature of each political party, all Members of the
Legislature having been first polled. The Legislature, with the
exceptions hereinafter stated, shall have full power to make and
establish all reasonable laws and regulations for the defense and
benefit of the people of this State, not repugnant to this
Constitution, nor to that of the United States.

Constitution, Art. IV, Part Third, §18, sub-§1 is amended to read:

1. Petition procedure; petitions for direct initiative of
legislation. The electors may propose to the Legislature for its
consideration any bill, resolve or resolution, including bills to
amend or repeal emergency legislation but not an amendment of the
State Constitution, by written petition addressed to the
Legislature or to either branch thereof and filed in the office
of the Secretary of State by the hour of 5:00 p.m., on or before
the 50th day after the date of convening of the Legislature in
first and third regular session sessions or on or before the 25th
day after the date of convening of the Legislature in second and
fourth regular session sessions. If the 50th or 25th day,
whichever applies, is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the
period runs until the hour of 5:00 p.m., of the next day which is
not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.

Constitution, Art. V, Part Second, §1 is amended to read:

Section 1. Election. The Secretary of State shall be chosen
biennially, at the first session and third regular sessions of
the Legislature, by joint ballot of the Senators and
Representatives in convention.

Constitution, Art. V, Part Third, §1 is amended to read:

Section 1. Election. The Treasurer shall be chosen
biennially, at the first session and third regular sessions of
the Legislature, by joint ballot of the Senators, and
Representatives in convention.

; and be it

Constitutional referendum procedure; form of question; effective date. Resolved:
That the municipal officers of this State shall notify the
inhabitants of their respective cities, towns and plantations to
meet, in the manner prescribed by law for holding a statewide
election, at a statewide election, on the Tuesday following the
first Monday of November following the passage of this
resolution, to vote upon the ratification of the amendment
proposed in this resolution by voting upon the following

"Do you favor amending the Constitution of Maine as proposed
by a resolution of the Legislature to change the term of
office for State Legislators from 2 years to 4 years
beginning in 2002?"

The legal voters of each city, town and plantation shall vote
by ballot on this question, and designate their choice by a cross
or check mark placed within the corresponding square below the
word "Yes" or "No." The ballots must be received, sorted,
counted and declared in open ward, town and plantation meetings
and returns made to the Secretary of State in the same manner as
votes for members of the Legislature. The Governor shall review
the returns and, if it appears that a majority of the legal votes
are cast in favor of the amendment, the Governor shall proclaim
that fact without delay and the amendment becomes part of the
Constitution on January 1, 2002; and be it further

Secretary of State shall prepare ballots. Resolved: That the Secretary of
State shall prepare and furnish to each city, town and plantation
all ballots, returns and copies of this resolution necessary to
carry out the purposes of this referendum.


This constitutional resolution changes Legislators' terms to 4
years following the general election in 2002. The Legislature
meets every year, but the business in the 4th year would be
restricted as it is presently in the 2nd year.

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