LD 65
pg. 1
LD 65 Title Page An Act to Require That Elevators in Public Buildings be Large Enough to Accommo... LD 65 Title Page
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LR 454
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §15228 is enacted to read:

§15228.__Elevator size

Notwithstanding section 15206, elevators in any building with
2 or more levels and to which the public-at-large normally has
access, constructed after January 1, 2002, must be of sufficient
size to allow the transport of a person on a stretcher in fully
supine position, without having to raise, lower or bend the
stretcher in any way.__The board shall adopt rules necessary to
carry out the provisions of this section.__Rules adopted pursuant
to this section are routine technical rules pursuant to Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.


This bill requires that elevators in public buildings be large
enough to accommodate ambulance stretchers.

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