LD 103
pg. 1
LD 103 Title Page An Act to Amend Eminent Domain Powers LD 103 Title Page
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LR 1155
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §3101, sub-§2, ¶B is enacted to read:

B.__The development must be started on any property that has
been acquired through condemnation within a period of 5
years from the date of the deed to the condemnor, or the
date on which the condemnor took possession, whichever is
earlier, for the purpose for which it was condemned.__
Failure of the condemnor to begin development within that
period entitles the current landowner or the landowner's
heirs or devisees to reacquire the property at the price the
condemnor paid to the landowner for the property.__The
current owner of the land from which the condemned land was
taken may reacquire the land as set forth in this paragraph.


This bill permits a person whose land was taken by a
municipality by eminent domain to reacquire the property at the
price the municipality paid to that person for the property if
the municipality does not start development of the property for
the purpose for which it was taken within 5 years of the time it
was taken.

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