LD 157
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LD 157 Title Page An Act to Clarify Marketing Standards for Telephone Utilities and Competitive E... Page 2 of 2
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LR 734
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 35-A MRSA §3203, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1999, c. 657, §18,
is further amended to read:

4. Consumer protection provisions. As a condition of
licensing, a competitive electricity provider that provides or
proposes to provide generation service to a residential consumer
or to a small commercial consumer:

A. May not terminate generation service without at least
30-day prior notice to the consumer;

B. Must offer service to the consumer for a minimum period
of 30 days;

C. Must allow the consumer to rescind selection of the
competitive electricity provider orally or in writing within
5 days of initial selection;

D. May not telemarket services to the consumer if the
consumer has filed with the commission a written request not
to receive telemarketing from competitive electricity

E. Must provide to the consumer within 30 days of
contracting for retail service a disclosure of information
provided to the commission pursuant to rules adopted under
subsection 3 in a standard written format established by the
commission; and

F. Must comply with any other applicable standards or
requirements adopted by the commission by rule or order.

For purposes of this subsection, "residential consumer" means a
consumer defined as residential under the terms and conditions of
the consumer's transmission and distribution utility. For
purposes of this subsection, "small commercial consumer" means,
in the case of a consumer served by an investor-owned
transmission and distribution utility, a nonresidential consumer
that meets the availability criteria to take service under a core
customer class of the transmission and distribution utility that
does not pay a demand charge to the transmission and distribution
utility or, in the case of a consumer served by a consumer-owned
transmission and distribution utility, a nonresidential consumer
with a demand of 20 kilowatts or less.

A competitive__electricity provider that is licensed pursuant to
subsection 1 is governed by the provisions of this subsection and
any rules adopted by the commission pursuant to subsection 6 and

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