LD 198
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LD 198 Title Page An Act to Provide Notice of Termination Status Page 2 of 2
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LR 49
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA c. 7, sub-c. X is enacted to read:



§873.__Notice of termination status; posting

1.__Definition.__As used in this subchapter, "employer" means
a person, excluding the State and any political subdivision,
agency or instrumentality of the State, who employs 5 or more

2.__Conspicuously post.__An employer shall post in a
conspicuous place in the work area the following:

"Under Maine law, if you are an at-will employee, you may be
terminated for any reason not specifically prohibited by
law, unless you are covered by a collective bargaining
agreement or other contract or your employee handbook calls
for termination only for cause.__In your case, you may be
terminated.__If you have questions about at-will employment,
contact your human resources department or the Maine
Department of Labor."

3.__Posting and notice requirements.__An employer shall post a
copy of the notice in subsection 2 as printed on the next reprint
of the regulation of employment poster in a conspicuous place in
the work area.__If an employer issues an employee handbook, the
employer shall provide a copy to each employee and shall promptly
provide notice to each employee of any changes in the handbook.

4.__Retaliation prohibited.__An employer may not terminate or
otherwise discriminate against an employee because the employee
signed or filed any affidavit, petition or complaint or gave any
information or testimony pursuant to this subchapter.

Sec. 2. Regulation of employment poster. The Department of Labor shall
include notice of the requirements of this Act in its next
reprinting of the regulation of employment poster.


This bill requires an employer to post in a conspicuous place
the terms under which an employee may be terminated. The bill
prohibits an employer from retaliating against an employee

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