LD 219
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Expand the Cub Care Program and to Establish the Bear Care Progam ... LD 219 Title Page
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LR 257
Item 1

10% of the benefit cost per child, but not more than 10%
of the cost for 2 children;

(3) Families with incomes between 170% and 185% of the
nonfarm income official poverty line must pay premiums
of 15% of the benefit cost per child, but not more than
15% of the cost for 2 children; and

(4) Families with incomes between above 185% and 200%
of the nonfarm income official poverty line must pay
premiums of 20% of the benefit cost per child, but not
more than 20% of the cost for 2 children.

Sec. 4. Name change for the Medicaid program. Beginning July 1, 2002 the
name of the Medicaid program in the State is changed to the "Bear
Care program" for the purposes of service delivery and program
administration within the State. Beginning October 1, 2001 all
materials and information published and disseminated by state
departments and agencies that pertain to the Medicaid program for
use by the public, including but not limited to the State's
publicly accessible site on the Internet, must display the name
"Bear Care."

Sec. 5. Report with proposed legislation. By January 15, 2002 the
Department of Human Services shall submit a report to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature have jurisdiction over
health and human services matters proposing legislation to
accomplish the name change established in section 4. The joint
standing committee shall submit legislation to accomplish the
name change by July 1, 2002.

Sec. 6. Amendment to the state Medicaid Plan. By January 15, 2002 the
Department of Human Services shall file with the federal
Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing
Administration all necessary amendments to the state Medicaid
plan to change the name of the Medicaid program in the State to
the "Bear Care program" for the purposes of service delivery and
program administration.


This bill establishes the Bear Care program in the State by
changing the name of the Medicaid program beginning July 1, 2002.
It requires materials and information about the Medicaid program
for use by the public to display the name "Bear Care" beginning
October 1, 2001. By January 15, 2002 it requires the Department
of Human Services to submit a report to the Joint Standing
Committee on Health and Human Services proposing legislation to
accomplish the name change. It directs the Joint

Standing Committee on Health and Human Services to submit
legislation to accomplish the name change by July 1, 2002. It
requires the Department of Human Services to file with the
federal Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care
Financing Administration all necessary amendments to the state
Medicaid plan to change the name of the Medicaid program in the
State to the "Bear Care program" for the purposes of service
delivery and program administration by January 15, 2002.

This bill does not alter the designation "Cub Care" for the
program providing health care coverage for children under the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 3174-T. It does
increase, however, the income eligibility from 200% to 300% of
the federal nonfarm income official poverty line and sets the
premiums for coverage for families with incomes above 185% of the
nonfarm income official poverty line at 20% of the benefit cost
per child, but no higher for a family than the cost for 2
children. This bill increases the income eligibility level for
parents of children on the Medicaid program from 150% to 200% of
the federal nonfarm income official poverty line.

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