LD 269
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nature, frequency and impacts of school bomb threats in the State's
schools to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over education matters.

Sec. 2. 20-A MRSA §1001, sub-§§17 and 18 are enacted to read:

17.__School bomb threat response policies.__Beginning with the
2002-2003 school year, each school board in the State must have
adopted a school bomb threat policy that may include:

A.__A determination of the distinction between a credible
and noncredible bomb threat and the related evaluative

B.__A bomb threat evacuation plan and a delineation of the
circumstances under which that plan becomes effective;

C.__Identification of alternative classroom sites that are
available in locations other than the site of the bomb

D.__The nature of the response and the level of preparedness
of local police, fire and other emergency officials when a
bomb threat to a school is reported;

E.__Bomb search procedures and the parties responsible for
carrying out the search;

F.__How lost classroom time may be made up;

G.__The school board's policy on disciplining students
apprehended in bomb threats;

H.__The methods by which the school board will make students
aware of the consequences of making a bomb threat to a
school, including relevant criminal penalties; and

I.__Other policies to assist administrators and teachers in
preventing and responding to bomb threats in their schools.

18.__Bomb threat information in student handbooks.__Beginning
with the 2002-2003 school year, each school board shall include
in its student handbook a section that addresses in detail the
school's bomb threat policies and protocols.__The section of the
handbook must explain to the students the educational and legal
consequences of making a bomb threat to a school.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill is part of the report of the Joint Study Committee
to Study Bomb Threats in Maine Schools. It requires the
Department of Education to develop prototypical guidelines,
policies and protocols for school administrative units to use in
developing local responses to school bomb threats. The bill also
requires school boards to report bomb threats to the Commissioner
of Education; to develop school bomb threat policies and
protocols; and to include specific information addressing school
bomb threat policies in their student handbooks.

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