LD 426
pg. 1
LD 426 Title Page An Act Concerning Managed Care Provider Agreements Page 2 of 2
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LR 1796
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §4204, sub-§6, śC is enacted to read:

C.__This subsection does not prohibit a participating
provider from seeking reimbursement from either the health
maintenance organization or the subscriber or enrollee for
medical services rendered in good faith when the health
maintenance organization has denied coverage because the
subscriber or enrollee has failed to abide by a term of the
enrollment agreement between the subscriber or enrollee and
the health maintenance organization.

Sec. 2. 24-A MRSA §4306-A is enacted to read:

§4306-A.__Participating provider agreements

1.__So-called "most favored nation" provisions.__The use or
enforcement by a carrier in any participating provider agreement
of a provision requiring that a participating provider give a
carrier the benefit of any lower fee schedules or charges for
services that the participating provider may subsequently agree
to with other persons or entities constitutes an unfair insurance
practice pursuant to chapter 23.

2.__So-called "all products" provisions.__If an agreement
between a participating provider and a carrier or other entity
that provides hospital, physician or other health care services
to a carrier includes provisions that require a provider, as a
condition of participating in one of the carrier's or other
entity's panels, to participate in any other provider panel owned
or operated by that carrier or other entity, the participating
provider agreement must contain a provision permitting the
participating provider to refuse participation in one or more
other such provider panels at the time the agreement is executed
without affecting the participating provider's status as a member
of or for eligibility in other existing or new provider panels.


The bill clarifies that "hold harmless" provisions of
managed care provider agreements and the "hold harmless" clause
in the Maine Insurance Code do not prohibit participating
providers from seeking reimbursement from either the health plan
or the enrollee when the enrollee has not adhered to the terms of
the health plan. This bill makes the use or enforcement of "most
favored nation" provisions in managed care provider agreements an
unfair insurance practice. It allows participating providers to

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