LD 440
pg. 1
LD 440 Title Page An Act to Exempt from the Definition of "Watercraft" Permanently Affixed Boats ... LD 440 Title Page
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LR 1216
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §7791, sub-§14, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 420, §1, is
amended to read:

14. Watercraft. "Watercraft" means any type of vessel, boat,
canoe or craft capable of being used as a means of transportation
on water, other than a seaplane, including motors, electronic and
mechanical equipment and other machinery, whether permanently or
temporarily attached, and which are customarily used in the
operations of the watercraft. "Watercraft" does not include a
vessel, boat, canoe or craft located and intended to be
permanently docked in one location and not used as a means of
transportation on water.


This bill amends the definition of "watercraft" in the laws
governing inland fisheries and wildlife to specifically exclude
watercraft that are permanently docked in one location and are
not used as a means of transportation on water.

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