LD 451
pg. 1
LD 451 Title Page An Act to Create Accountability for Money Spent on Auto Insurance for Participa... Page 2 of 2
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LR 1756
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §3761, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Insurance payments.__The department shall pay emergency
aid used for the payment of insurance on an automobile directly
to the insurance agency or carrier on behalf of the applicant or
recipient of assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families program under Chapter 1053-B.__If automobile insurance
that was paid by the department under this subsection is
cancelled and a refund is due, the insurance agency or carrier
shall pay the refund to the department.

Sec. 2. 22 MRSA §3763, sub-§§8 and 9, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 530,
Pt. A, §16, are amended to read:

8. Alternative aid. To assist applicants who seek short-term
assistance to obtain or retain employment, the department shall
pay one-time voucher payments of up to 3 times the monthly TANF
grant for which the family is eligible. If the family reapplies
for TANF within 3 months of receiving alternative aid, the family
must repay any alternative aid received in excess of the amount
that the family would have received on TANF. The method of
repayment must be the same as that used for the repayment of
unintentional overpayments in the TANF program.

The department shall pay alternative aid used for the payment of
insurance on an automobile directly to the insurance agent or
carrier on behalf of the applicant or TANF recipient.__If
automobile insurance that was paid by the department under this
subsection is cancelled and a refund is due, the insurance agency
or carrier shall pay the refund to the department.

9. Emergency assistance. The department shall establish and
operate a program of emergency assistance to needy families with
children. This program must provide benefits to needy families
with children in emergency situations in which the family is
deprived of the basic necessities essential to its support,
including but not limited to, fire and other natural disasters,
terminations of utility service or lack of adequate shelter.

A. In determining what constitutes an emergency with
respect to utility terminations, the department shall grant
assistance when an otherwise qualified family has received a
disconnection notice and has exhausted their ability to
negotiate and pay the terms of a reasonable payment

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