LD 463
pg. 1
LD 463 Title Page An Act to Authorize the Department of Transportation to Locate and Construct Ra... LD 463 Title Page
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LR 832
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 23 MRSA §5071, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 141, Pt. A, §4, is
amended by inserting at the end a new paragraph to read:

To carry out its directive to ensure the development and
maintenance of safe, efficient and reliable rail transportation,
the Department of Transportation may locate and construct
railroad lines.__The department shall give notice of the location
of each such railroad line by publishing a description of the
location in a newspaper of general circulation in each county
through which the line passes.__Before commencing construction,
the department shall set a day and time for hearing so that all
interested persons have an opportunity to appear.__If the
department, after hearing, determines to proceed with the
construction of the railroad line, the department shall file with
the registry of deeds of each affected county a plan of the
location of the line defining its course, distance and
boundaries.__This plan must be kept on file and available to the
public at the department's office in Augusta.__For the purpose of
locating and constructing railroad lines, the department may
acquire all necessary property interests through purchase, lease,
condemnation pursuant to section 154.


This bill authorizes the Department of Transportation to
locate and construct railroad lines. This bill does not affect
the current law prohibiting the department from operating a
railroad line.

LD 463 Title Page Top of Page LD 463 Title Page