LD 464
pg. 1
LD 464 Title Page An Act to Require a License to Sell Firearms LD 464 Title Page
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LR 1350
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §1058 is enacted to read:

§1058.__Unlawful sale of firearms

1.__A person is guilty of unlawful sale of firearms if the
person transfers ownership or otherwise attempts to transfer
ownership of a firearm without a valid dealer license issued
pursuant to 18 United States Code, Section 923.

2.__This section does not apply to the following transfers of

A.__Transfer to a purchaser who holds a valid dealer license
issued pursuant to 18 United States Code, Section 923;

B.__Transfer to a member of the seller's immediate family;

C.__Transfer pursuant to a will or last testament; or

D.__Transfer of an antique firearm as defined in 18 United
State Code, Section 921(a)(16).

3.__Unlawful sale of firearms is a Class C crime.


This bill requires sellers of firearms at gun shows or other
so-called private sales to be licensed to sell firearms by the
federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and to perform
background checks on the purchasers as required by federal law.
The bill creates exceptions for transfers to a federally licensed
dealer; transfers to members of the seller's immediate family;
transfers in accordance with a will; and transfers of antique
firearms. Selling firearms without a federal license is a Class
C crime.

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