LD 479
pg. 1
LD 479 Title Page An Act Concerning Eligibility for ASPIRE-TANF Participation in Households where... LD 479 Title Page
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LR 1588
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §3763, sub-§2-A is enacted to read:

2-A.__Persons with disabilities.__TANF recipients who care for
a household member that has a physical or mental health problem
requiring care are considered to be fully meeting the
participation requirements of ASPIRE-TANF.__The department shall
make ASPIRE-TANF services under chapter 1054-A and Parents as
Scholars Program services under chapter 1054-B available on a
voluntary basis to TANF recipients who care for such a household
member.__If a parent or caretaker relative receiving TANF has a
physical or mental health problem that imposes a limitation on
that person's ability to work, that person must be offered
ASPIRE-TANF and Parents as Scholars Program services on a
voluntary basis.__ASPIRE-TANF and Parents as Scholars Program
services must be made available under this subsection to the same
extent they are made available to other ASPIRE-TANF or Parents as
Scholars Program participants.__No person in a household that
includes a person with a physical or mental health problem
described in this subsection may be sanctioned for failing to
comply with the rules of ASPIRE-TANF.__All participants in
ASPIRE-TANF and the Parents as Scholars Program must be notified,
in clear and prominent writing, of the provisions of this
subsection at the TANF orientation and each time they renew their
family contract.


This bill requires that TANF recipients who care for a
household member with a physical or mental health problem be
considered by the Department of Human Services to fully meet
their ASPIRE-TANF participation requirements. TANF recipients
who have physical or mental health problems that limit their
ability to work must be offered the opportunity to participate in
ASPIRE-TANF or the Parents as Scholars Program on a voluntary
basis. The department is prohibited from sanctioning households
that include members with these physical or mental health
problems. The department is required to notify ASPIRE-TANF and
Parents as Scholars Program recipients of these provisions at
their orientation and each time their family contract is renewed.

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