LD 490
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Preserve Competition in the Retail Marketing of Motor Fuels LD 490 Title Page
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LR 1890
Item 1

B.__In the case of a retail outlet providing its own
transportation or using the services of an affiliate for the
transportation of motor fuel from the motor fuel storage
facility to the retail outlet, the average cost per mile
incurred by the retail outlet or transportation affiliate
for all transportation of gasoline over the previous 3
months on a fully allocated cost basis, multiplied by the
number of miles from the motor fuel storage facility to the
retail outlet.

Sec. 4. 10 MRSA §§1676-A and 1676-B are enacted to read:

§1676-A.__Prohibition of sales of motor fuel at retail below cost

Retail motor fuel outlets operating in the State may not sell
motor fuel at retail below cost.

§1676-B.__Remedies for selling motor fuel at retail below cost

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1679, a retail motor
fuel outlet in the State that sells motor fuel at retail below
cost is subject this section.

1. Injunctive action.__The Attorney General, or a person
adversely affected by the sale of motor fuel at retail below
cost, may initiate action in Superior Court for an injunction
against further violations of section 1676-A. In an action
brought under this section, the court may award temporary,
preliminary and permanent injunctive relief.__To the extent
practicable, an action brought under this section must be
advanced on the docket so as to provide the complainant prompt
relief.__In an action brought under this section, irreparable
harm and injury to the public interest is presumed if the
complainant establishes that the defendant sold motor fuel at
retail below cost in the State at any time within 20 days of the
filing of the complaint.__Unless otherwise ordered by the court,
an injunction issued under this section expires 180 days from the
date of issuance.__In the event that the defendant sells motor
fuel at retail below cost in violation of an injunction issued
pursuant to this section, the defendant is subject to a penalty
for civil contempt of not less than $5,000 per day for each
retail outlet found to have sold motor fuel below cost in
violation of the injunction.

2.__Damages.__A person adversely affected by the sale of motor
fuel at retail below cost may seek monetary relief from a
defendant determined to have violated section 1676-A. This relief
may include:

A.__For each day and for each retail outlet in which the
defendant sold motor fuel at retail below cost, statutory
damages as determined by the Superior Court of no less than
$500 and no more than $2,500; or

B.__Compensatory damages for lost gross profit from either
reduction in sales or reductions in margins, or both,
attributable to the defendant's violation of section 1676-A.

3.__Defenses.__In an action under this section, the
complainant shall elect either statutory or compensatory damages
no later than the time the case is submitted to Superior Court
for verdict or judgment.__In an action for statutory or
compensatory damages under this section, it is a defense to
damage liability if the defendant proves that:

A.__The defendant did not know, and in the exercise of
reasonable care could not have known, that the defendant
made sales of motor fuel at retail below cost; or

B.__The defendant's prices, though below cost, were reduced
to match the then-currently posted prices of the defendant's

4. Attorney's fees.__In an action under this section, a
prevailing plaintiff is entitled to recover reasonable attorney's
fees, expert witness fees and court costs from defendant.

5.__Limitations.__An action for damages under this section may
not be instituted for a sale of motor fuel at retail occurring
more than 6 months prior to the date of the filing of the

Sec. 5. 10 MRSA §1682, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 836, §3, is
amended to read:

§1682. Rules

The Attorney General may adopt rules necessary to implement
this chapter. Rules adopted pursuant to this chapter are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter
II-A.__The Attorney General's rule-making authority includes
making rules for the specification of rack price by alternative
means if the Attorney General determines that an alternative
method reflects the actual product costs likely to be incurred by
retail motor fuel outlets more accurately than the methods
established in section 1672, subsection 4-B.


This bill prohibits the retail sales of motor fuel below cost.
It establishes remedies for actions brought under the provisions
of the bill. The bill provides for statutory and compensatory
damages for a plaintiff bringing a successful action. The bill
also defines "rack price" for motor fuels and authorizes the
Attorney General to invoke rule-making authority to establish an
alternative means of calculating the rack price.

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