LD 503
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Authorize the Town of Bar Harbor to Acquire the Bar Harbor Water Comp... LD 503 Title Page
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expense, without unnecessary delay, shall cause the earth and
pavement removed by it to be replaced in proper condition.

Sec. 3. Authorized to erect dams and reservoirs; to cross navigable waters; to supply
water to utilities. The Town of Bar Harbor, for the purposes in this
Act, may erect and maintain all dams, reservoirs and structures
necessary and convenient for its town purposes. The town may
lay, construct and maintain its pipes and fixtures in, over and
under navigable waters and build and maintain structures for the
pipes and fixtures, subject to the laws of the United States.
The town may supply water to any public utility now supplying
water in Hancock County, subject to the consent of the Public
Utilities Commission.

Sec. 4. Rights of eminent domain. The Town of Bar Harbor, for the
purposes in this Act, may take and hold, as for public uses, real
estate and personal estate and any interest in real estate and
personal estate necessary or convenient for those purposes by
purchase, lease or otherwise and may exercise the right of
eminent domain as provided in this Act to acquire for those
purposes any land or interest in land or water rights necessary
for erecting and maintaining dams, plants and works, for flowage,
power, pumping, supplying water through its mains; for
reservoirs, preserving the purity of the water and watershed; for
laying and maintaining aqueducts and other structures; for
taking, distributing, discharging and disposing of water; and for
rights-of-way or roadways to its sources of supply, dams, power
stations, reservoirs, mains, aqueducts, structures and lands.

This section may not be construed as authorizing the town to
take by right of eminent domain any of the property or facilities
of any other public utility used, or acquired for future use, by
the owner of that property or those facilities, in the
performance of a public duty, except as expressly provided in
section 10.

Sec. 5. Procedure if public utility must be crossed. In case of crossing of
any public utility, unless consent is given by the company owning
and operating the public utility as to place, manner and
conditions of the crossing within 30 days after consent is
requested by the Town of Bar Harbor, the Public Utilities
Commission, upon petition by the town, shall determine the place,
manner and conditions of the crossing, and all work on the
property of the public utility must be done under the supervision
and to the satisfaction of the public utility or as prescribed by
the Public Utilities Commission, but at the expense of the town.

Sec. 6. Procedure in exercising of eminent domain. After the original
acquisition for which provision is made in section

10, the Town of Bar Harbor, in exercising any right of eminent
domain in the taking of land, interests in the land or water
rights, shall file in the office of the county commissioners of
Hancock County and recorded in the Hancock County Registry of
Deeds plans of the location of all such property to be taken with
an appropriate description and the names of the owners, if known.
Notice of the filing must be sent by mail to the owners at the
address appearing on the tax records of the municipality in which
the land is located. When for any reason the town fails to
acquire the property it is authorized to take, and which is
described in that location, or if the location recorded is
defective or uncertain, it may, at any time, correct and perfect
that location and file a new description, and in such case the
town is liable for damages only for property for which the owner
had not previously been paid, to be assessed as of the time of
the original taking, and the town is not liable for any acts that
would have been justified if the original taking had been lawful.
Entry may not be made on any private lands, except to make
surveys, until the expiration of 10 days from that filing, at
which time possession may be had of all lands, interests in the
lands or water rights so taken, but title does not vest in the
town until payment has been made.

Sec. 7. Adjustment of damages; procedure as in laying out of highways. If any
person sustaining damages by any taking pursuant to the right of
eminent domain does not agree with the Town of Bar Harbor upon
the sum to be paid for the taking, either party, upon petition to
the county commissioners of Hancock County, may have the damages
assessed by them. The procedure and all subsequent proceedings
and right of appeal are under the same restrictions, conditions
and limitations as are or may be by law prescribed in the case of
damages by the laying out of highways.

Sec. 8. Annual report. The Town of Bar Harbor shall make and
publish an annual report of the income and expenses related to
the collection and distribution of water. The report may be
included in and published as part of the annual town report of
the Town of Bar Harbor.

Sec. 9. Town authorized to make contracts. The Town of Bar Harbor,
through its municipal officers, may contract with persons and
corporations for the supply of water to those persons and

Sec. 10. Town authorized to acquire property and franchises of Bar Harbor Water
Company. The Town of Bar Harbor, through its municipal officers,
may acquire by purchase the stock of the Bar Harbor Water Company
and the entire plant, properties, franchises, rights and
privileges owned by the Bar Harbor Water Company, located within
the Town of Bar Harbor, including all lands, waters,

water rights, reservoirs, pipes, machinery, fixtures, hydrants,
tools and all apparatus and appliances used or usable in
supplying water in the area of the town. The town may acquire by
the exercise of the right of eminent domain, a right expressly
delegated to the town for that purpose, the stock of the Bar
Harbor Water Company and the entire plant, properties,
franchises, rights and privileges, except cash assets and
accounts receivable, owned by the Bar Harbor Water Company,
including all lands, waters, water rights, dam structures,
reservoirs, pipes, machinery, fixtures, hydrants, tools and all
apparatus and appliances used or usable in supplying water in the
area of the town, and if and when so acquired, the town, in
addition to the powers conferred by this Act, is entitled to
exercise all rights, privileges and franchises of the Bar Harbor
Water Company.

In exercising the right of eminent domain under this Act the
municipal officers shall file with the town clerk a condemnation
order that includes a detailed description of the property
interest to be taken, the name or names of the owner or owners of
record as far as they can be reasonably determined and the amount
of damages determined by the municipal officers to be just
compensation for the property or interest in the property taken.
The municipal officers shall then serve upon the owner or owners
of record a copy of the condemnation order and a check in the
amount of the damages awarded and record a certified copy of the
condemnation order in the Hancock County Registry of Deeds. In
the event of multiple ownership, the check may be served on any
one of the owners. This title passes to the town upon service of
the condemnation order and check or upon recordation in
accordance with this Act, whichever occurs first. Acceptance and
negotiation of the check do not bar an appeal under this Act.

Any person aggrieved by the determination of the damages
awarded to owners of property or interests in the property under
this Act may, within 60 days after service of the condemnation
order and check, appeal to the Superior Court of Hancock County.
The court shall determine damages by a verdict of its jury or, if
all parties agree, by the court without a jury or by a referee or
referees, and shall render judgment for just compensation, with
interest when such is due, and for costs in favor of the party
entitled to the costs. Appeal from the decision of the Superior
Court may be made to the Law Court, as in other civil actions.

Sec. 11. Rates. Individuals, firms and corporations, whether
private, public or municipal, shall pay to the treasurer or other
designated officer of the Town of Bar Harbor the rates
established by the municipal officers for the water used by them.
The rates must be established in accordance with the Maine

Revised Statutes, Title 35-A, chapter 61 to provide for the
purposes set forth in chapter 61.

Sec. 12. Existing laws not affected; rights conferred subject to provisions of law.
Nothing contained in this Act is intended to repeal, or may be
construed as repealing, the whole or any part of any existing
law, and all the rights and duties mentioned in this Act must be
exercised and performed in accordance with all the applicable
provisions and amendatory acts to the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 35-A to the extent that Title 35-A and its amendments
affect the operations of the Town of Bar Harbor.

Sec. 13. Separability clause. If any section or part of a section of
this Act is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,
the holding does not affect the remainder of this Act, it being
the intention that the remaining portions of this Act stand,
notwithstanding the unconstitutionality or invalidity of any
section, sentence, clause or phrase.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


The Town of Bar Harbor has legislative authority to take real
estate by eminent domain for public use. This legislation
expands the eminent domain authority of the Town of Bar Harbor to
include not only real property but also the personal property
assets of the Bar Harbor Water Company. This bill allows the
town to control water supply and distribution. The legislation
contains an emergency preamble and emergency clause to make the
law effective immediately.

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