LD 510
pg. 1
LD 510 Title Page An Act Concerning Indemnification and Limitation of Liability Provisions of Man... LD 510 Title Page
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LR 1348
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §4308, as repealed and replaced by PL 1999, c.
742, §18, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§4308. Indemnification and limitation of liability

1-A.__Indemnification.__A contract between a carrier offering
a health plan and a provider for the provision of services to
enrollees may not require the provider to indemnify the carrier
for expenses and liabilities, including, without limitation,
judgments, settlements, attorney's fees, court costs and any
associated charges incurred in connection with a claim or action
brought against the health plan based on the carrier's own fault.__
Nothing in this subsection may be construed to remove
responsibility of a carrier or provider for expenses or
liabilities caused by the carrier's or provider's own negligent
acts or omissions or intentional misconduct.__An indemnification
provision in a contract between a carrier and a participating
provider must be reciprocal, applying equally to the carrier and
the participating provider, and may not require the carrier or
the participating provider to indemnify the other for an amount
beyond the limit of liability insurance coverage available in
this State.

2.__Limitation of liability.__A contract between a carrier
offering a health plan and a provider for the provision of
services to enrollees may not limit the right of the enrollee,
the participating provider or the carrier to pursue those damages
available under the law of this State.


This bill provides that an indemnification provision in a
managed care participating provider agreement must apply equally
to each party and may not require the carrier or the
participating provider to indemnify the other for any amount
beyond the limit of liability insurance coverage available in the
State. The bill also prohibits a carrier from limiting its
liability in a participating provider agreement.

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