LD 512
pg. 1
LD 512 Title Page An Act to Encourage HIV Testing of Pregnant Patients LD 512 Title Page
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LR 1466
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §19203-A, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Pregnancy.__Written informed consent need not be obtained
from a pregnant woman when a physician determines that HIV
testing should be a routine component of prenatal care.__The
physician shall give the patient the opportunity to decline
testing and shall annotate the medical record regarding the
patient's decision.__The counseling specified by section 19204-A
is not required, but the physician shall counsel the patient on
effective antiretroviral therapy for the patient's own health and
to reduce the risk of HIV transmission to the patient's infant.


This bill encourages HIV screening of pregnant women by
allowing physicians to obtain oral consent to testing and to
provide less extensive counseling about the test than required
under current law.

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