LD 516
pg. 1
LD 516 Title Page An Act Regarding Prehistoric and Historic Archaeological Work Performed in the ... LD 516 Title Page
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LR 319
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 38 MRSA §480-Q, sub-§22 is enacted to read:

22.__Archaeological excavation.__Archaeological excavation
adjacent to a great pond, freshwater wetland, coastal wetland,
sand dune system, river, stream or brook as long as the
excavation is conducted by an archaeologist listed on the Maine
Historic Preservation Commission level 1 or level 2 approved
list, and that unreasonable erosion and sedimentation is
prevented by means of adequate and timely temporary and permanent
stabilization measures.


This bill adds professional archaeological excavation to the
list of shoreland activities that do not need a permit under the
natural resources protection laws from the Department of
Environmental Protection or the Maine Land Use Regulation

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