LD 529
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Create the Office of Ombudsman LD 529 Title Page
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LR 1067
Item 1

The Governor shall appoint the ombudsman subject to review by
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over state government matters and by the


The ombudsman must be a person well equipped to analyze
problems of law, administration and public policy and may not be
actively involved in partisan affairs.

§11056.__Term of office

The ombudsman serves a term of 5 years unless removed by vote
of 2/3 of the members of each chamber of the Legislature upon a
determination that the ombudsman has become incapacitated or has
been guilty of neglect of duty or misconduct.

1. Vacancy.__If the Office of Ombudsman becomes vacant for any
cause, the deputy ombudsman shall serve as acting ombudsman until
an ombudsman has been appointed for a full term.


The ombudsman receives the same salary, allowances and related
benefits as the Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial

§11058.__Organization of the office

In order to execute the provisions of this chapter, the
ombudsman shall:

1.__Staff.__Select, appoint and compensate as the ombudsman
sees fit, within the funds available, any assistants and
employees the ombudsman determines necessary.__Employees are
subject to the personnel laws of the State;

2.__Deputy.__Designate one of the ombudsman's assistants to be
the deputy ombudsman with the authority to act in the ombudsman's
stead in the event that the ombudsman is disabled or protractedly
absent; and

3.__Delegation of duties.__Delegate to other members of the
staff, as the ombudsman determines necessary, any of the
ombudsman's authority or duties under this chapter except the
power of delegation and the duty of formally making
recommendations to administrative agencies or reports to the
Governor or the Legislature.


The ombudsman has the authority to:

1.__Investigations.__Investigate, on complaint or on the
ombudsman's own motion, any administrative act of an
administrative agency;

2.__Procedures.__Prescribe the methods by which complaints are
to be made, received and acted upon; determine the scope and
manner of investigations to be made; and, subject to the
requirements of this Act, determine the form, frequency and
distribution of the ombudsman's conclusions and recommendations;

3.__Requests for information.__Request and receive from each
administrative agency the assistance and information the
ombudsman determines necessary for carrying out the purposes of
this chapter.__The ombudsman may examine the records and
documents of all administrative agencies and may enter and
inspect the premises within any administrative agency's control;

4.__Subpoena.__Issue a subpoena to compel any person to
appear, give sworn testimony or produce documentary or other
evidence the ombudsman determines relevant to a matter under
inquiry; and

5.__Participate in studies.__Participate in or cooperate with
general studies or inquiries, whether or not related to any
particular administrative agency or any particular administrative
act, if the ombudsman believes that they may enhance knowledge
about or lead to improvements in the functioning of
administrative agencies.

§11060.__Matters appropriate for investigation

1.__Selecting acts to investigate.__The ombudsman may
investigate administrative acts that might be:

A.__Contrary to law or rule;

B.__Unreasonable, unfair, oppressive or inconsistent with
the general course of an administrative agency's

C.__Mistaken in law or arbitrary in fact-finding;

D.__Improper in motivation or based on irrelevant

E.__Unclear or inadequately explained;

F.__Inefficiently performed; or

G. Otherwise objectionable.


1.__Action on complaints.__The ombudsman may receive a
complaint from any source concerning an administrative act and
shall conduct a suitable investigation into the complaint unless
the ombudsman believes that:

A.__The complainant has available another reasonable remedy
or channel of complaint;

B.__The grievance pertains to a matter outside the
ombudsman's power;

C.__The complainant's interest is insufficiently related to
the subject matter;

D.__The complaint is trivial, frivolous, vexatious or not
made in good faith;

E.__Other complaints are more worthy of attention;

F.__The ombudsman's resources are insufficient for adequate
investigation; or

G.__The complaint has been delayed too long to justify the
present examination of its merit.

Declining to investigate a complaint does not bar the ombudsman
from proceeding on the ombudsman's own motion to inquire into the
matter complained about or into related problems.

2.__Notification.__After completing consideration of a
complaint, whether or not it has been investigated, the ombudsman
shall inform the complainant and when appropriate the
administrative agency or agencies involved.

3.__Review certain correspondence.__A letter to the ombudsman
from a person in a place of detention or in a hospital or other
institution under the control of an administrative agency must be
forwarded immediately, unopened, to the ombudsman for the
ombudsman's review.

4.__Consultation with agency.__Before announcing a conclusion
or recommendation that criticizes an administrative agency or an
official, the ombudsman shall consult with that agency or person.

5.__Recommendations.__The ombudsman shall state the
recommendations to the administrative agency if, having
considered a complaint and whatever materials the ombudsman
determines pertinent, the ombudsman is of the opinion that an
administrative agency should:

A.__Consider the matter further;

B.__Modify or cancel an administrative act;

C.__Alter a rule or ruling;

D.__Explain more fully the administrative act in question;

E.__Take any other step.

6.__Publication of recommendations.__The ombudsman may publish
the conclusions, recommendations and suggestions by transmitting
them to the Governor, the Legislature or any of its committees,
the press and others who may be concerned.__When publishing an
opinion adverse to an administrative agency or official, the
ombudsman shall, unless excused by the agency or official
affected, include the substance of any statement the
administrative agency or official made to the ombudsman to
explain past difficulties or present rejection of the ombudsman's

7.__Reports.__In addition to whatever reports the ombudsman
makes from time to time, on or before February 15th of each year
the ombudsman shall report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over state government matters and
to the Governor concerning the exercise of the ombudsman's
responsibilities during the preceding calendar year.__In
discussing matters with which the ombudsman has dealt, the
ombudsman need not identify those immediately concerned if to do
so would cause needless hardship.__So far as the annual report
may criticize named agencies or officials, it must also include
the substance of their replies to the criticism.

8.__Disciplinary action against public personnel.__If the
ombudsman has reason to believe that a public official, employee
or other person has acted in a manner warranting a criminal or
disciplinary proceeding, the ombudsman shall refer the matter to
the appropriate authorities.

§11062.__Information on actions

If the ombudsman so requests, an agency that receives a
recommendation, within the time specified, shall inform the

ombudsman about the action taken on the recommendation or the
reasons for not complying with the recommendation.

§11063.__Proceedings brought to enforce Act

This section applies to proceedings brought to enforce this

1.__Immunity.__The ombudsman has immunity as provided in this

A.__A proceeding, opinion or expression of the ombudsman is
not reviewable in any court.

B.__A civil action may not lie against the ombudsman or any
member of the ombudsman's staff for anything done, said or
omitted in performing the actions necessary to carry out the
purposes of this chapter.

C.__Neither the ombudsman nor any member of the ombudsman's
staff is required to testify or produce evidence in any
judicial proceeding concerning matters within the
ombudsman's official cognizance except a proceeding brought
to enforce this chapter.

2.__Rights and duties of witnesses.__This subsection applies
to witnesses in proceedings brought to enforce this chapter.

A.__A person required by the ombudsman to appear in person
to provide information must be paid the same fees and travel
allowances as those extended to witnesses whose attendance
is required in the courts of this State.

B.__A person who, with or without service of compulsory
process, provides oral or documentary information requested
by the ombudsman must be accorded the same privileges and
immunities as those extended to witnesses in the courts of
this State and is entitled to be accompanied and advised by
counsel while being questioned.

C.__If a person refuses to respond to the ombudsman's subpoena,
refuses to be examined or engages in obstructive misconduct, the
ombudsman shall certify the facts to the District Court.__The
court shall thereupon issue an order directing the person to
appear before the court to show cause why the person should not
be punished for contempt.__The order and a copy of the
ombudsman's certified statement must be served on that person.__
Thereafter, the court has jurisdiction over the matter, and the
same proceedings may be held, the same penalties may be imposed
and the person

charged may be purged of the contempt charge in the trial of
a civil action before the court.

3.__Obstruction; fines.__A person who willfully obstructs or
hinders proper exercise of the ombudsman's functions or who
willfully misleads in the ombudsman's inquiries must be fined an
amount not to exceed $1,000.

§11064.__Relation to other laws

This chapter does not in any way limit or affect any other law
under which a remedy or right of appeal is provided for a person
or under which a procedure is provided for the inquiry into or
investigation of any matter.

Sec. 2. Effective date. This Act takes effect January 1, 2003.


This bill establishes the Office of Ombudsman. The ombudsman
shall oversee and hear complaints regarding the actions of
administrative agencies of the State. This Act takes effect
January 1, 2003.

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