LD 559
pg. 1
LD 559 Title Page An Act to Provide Uniformity and Consistency in the Appeals from the Trial Cour... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §52, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 646, §1, is
amended to read:

No dollar amount or figure may be included in the demand in
any civil case filed in Superior Court, but the prayer shall must
be for such damages as are reasonable in the premises. This
section shall does not apply to a demand for liquidated damages.

Sec. 2. 14 MRSA §1851, first ¶, is amended to read:

For all purposes for which an exception has heretofore been
necessary in civil cases, it is sufficient that a party, at the
time the order or ruling of the court is made or sought, makes
known to the court the action which he that the party desires the
court to take or his the party's objection to the action of the
court and his the grounds therefor for the objection. If a party
has no opportunity to object to a ruling or order, the absence of
an objection does not thereafter prejudice him that party. In any
civil case any party aggrieved by any judgment, ruling or order
may appeal therefrom to the law court within 30 days or such
further time as may be granted by the court pursuant to a rule of
court. The time for taking the appeal and the manner and any
conditions for the taking of the appeal are as the Supreme
Judicial Court provides by rule.

Sec. 3. 14 MRSA §1901, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt.
ZZZ, §7 and affected by §42, is further amended to read:

1. Appeals from District Court. Except as provided in
subsection 3 or by court rule, an appeal may be taken from the
District Court to the Supreme Judicial Court sitting as the Law
Court within 30 days after judgment. Within those 30 days, the
appellant must pay to the court the required fees for the appeal
and in that case no execution issues and the clerk may enter the
appeal in the Law Court as a new entry. The time for taking the
appeal and the manner and any conditions for the taking of the
appeal are as the Supreme Judicial Court provides by rule.

Sec. 4. 15 MRSA §2115-A, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1995, c. 47, §2, is
further amended to read:

4. Time. An The time for taking and the manner and any
conditions for the taking of an appeal taken pursuant to
subsection 1, 2, 2-A or 2-B must be taken within 20 days after
the entry of the order or such further time as may be granted by
the court pursuant to a rule of court are as the Supreme Judicial
Court provides by rule, and an appeal taken pursuant to
subsection 1 must also be taken before the defendant has been

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