LD 569
pg. 1
LD 569 Title Page An Act to Preserve the Integrity of the Polling Place by Limiting the Physical ... LD 569 Title Page
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LR 2297
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §682, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1995, c. 459, §61,
is further amended to read:

2. Influence prohibited. Within 250 feet of the entrance to
the voting place as well as within the voting place itself, a
person may not influence or attempt to influence another person's
decision regarding a candidate or ballot issue. This limitation
does not prohibit a candidate from attending the voting place and
orally communicating with voters voting, as long as the candidate
does not attempt to influence their vote the votes of others. A
candidate may not state the name of the office sought or request
a person's vote within 250 feet of the entrance to either the
voting place or the registrar's office.


This bill limits a candidate's activities at polling places to
voting. The candidate is prohibited from stating the name of the
office sought by the candidate or requesting a person's vote
within 250 feet of the polling place or registrar's office.

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