LD 582
pg. 1
LD 582 Title Page An Act to Prohibit the State from Competing with Private Industry LD 582 Title Page
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LR 1934
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17 MRSA §3104, as amended by PL 1975, c. 771, §164, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§3104.__Conflicts of interest; purchases by State

1.__Prohibition.__An employee of the State or any other person
holding a place of trust with the State may not have any direct
or indirect pecuniary interest in, or otherwise receive or be
eligible to receive, directly or indirectly, any benefit that may
arise therefrom, any contract made in behalf of the State.

2.__State defined.__As used in this section, "State" means the
State of Maine or any office, department, agency, authority,
commission, board, institution, hospital or other instrumentality

3.__Violative contract void.__Any contract made in violation
of this section is void.

4.__Exemptions.__This section does not apply to:

A.__Purchases of the State by the Governor under authority
of Title 1, section 814; and

B.__Contracts made with a corporation that has issued shares
to the public for the general benefit of that corporation.


This bill revises the language of the existing prohibition
against conflicts of interest in state purchases to more clearly
prohibit the State and its employees and agents from providing
services for fees or from undertaking enterprises that compete
with private industry.

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