LD 585
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Remove Telemarketers from the Application of the Consumer Solicitatio... LD 585 Title Page
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LR 1257
Item 1

subject to and shall comply with the provisions of chapter 69,
subchapter V if the transient seller also makes a personal visit
upon or other face-to-face contact with the consumer.


This bill removes telemarketers from the provisions of Maine's
consumer solicitation sales laws that require the contents of any
telemarketer's contract be in writing, that the consumer have a
right of avoidance and that the telemarketer comply with
transient sellers requirements. This bill allows the current
federal law concerning telemarketers to control. The bill leaves
intact current state law prohibiting automated telephone
solicitation and the establishment of a "do not call" rule.

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