LD 587
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Clarify Laws Pertaining to Nuisance Wildlife LD 587 Title Page
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LR 851
Item 1

B. Immediately In all cases of deer, bear or moose,
immediately and properly dress the carcass or carcasses and
care for the meat.

4. Warden's certificate. The A game warden shall immediately
investigate the case an incident under this section as soon as
possible and, if he the game warden is satisfied that the deer or
other wild animal was taken as provided in this section, he shall
give the person who killed the deer or other wild animal a
certificate of his finding in the matter. The certificate that
entitles the person to the ownership of the carcass or carcasses,
to be possessed and consumed only within the immediate family of
the owner of the crops or other person designated in subsection 1
or the person who killed the deer or other wild animal.

Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §7505, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Failure to report the wounding, taking or killing of a
nuisance wild animal or properly care for carcass.__A person is
guilty of:

A.__Failure to report the wounding, taking or killing of a
wild animal if that person wounds, takes or kills a wild
animal under section 7501 or 7502 and fails to report all
the facts relative to the incident to the Maine Warden
Service within 12 hours; and

B.__Failure to care for the carcass and meat of a wild
animal if that person kills a wild animal pursuant to
section 7501 or 7502 and fails to immediately and properly
dress the carcass and care for the meat to prevent spoilage.


This bill makes several changes to the section of law that
deals with nuisance animals in general and depredation permits
for landowners, farmers and orchard owners. It adds domestic
birds to the provision that allows a person to kill any wild
animal found attacking or wounding that person's domestic animals
or destroying that person's property.

The bill clarifies that all types of grasses are excluded from
the provision that allows an owner of orchards or growing crops
to kill wild animals that are doing substantial damage to that
person's orchards or crops and that the wild animal must be in
the act of doing the damage.

In addition, the bill requires that when an orchard owner or
landowner employs someone outside of the immediate family to kill
wild animals under the provisions of this law that written
permission to employ such a person must be obtained from a game

It changes the reference from a game warden to the Maine
Warden Service under the reporting requirements so that if a game
warden can not be contacted, a person may call one of the
regional headquarters instead.

It clarifies that in all cases of deer, bear or moose being
killed, a person must immediately and properly dress the carcass
and care for the meat to prevent spoilage.

Finally, the bill prohibits failing to report or properly care
for the carcass and meat of a wild animal killed pursuant to this

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