LD 593
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Item 1

C. Federal employer identification number or social security

D. Type of license;

E. Effective date of license or renewal;

F. Expiration date of license; and

G. Active or inactive status.

Sec. 5. 24-A MRSA §6207, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 482, §1, is
amended to read:

1. Copy of declaration; filing. A copy of the declaration
prepared pursuant to the Maine Condominium Act, Title 33, chapter
31, along with a copy of any registration statement filed with
the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or the
Bureau of Banking, Office of Securities Division, shall must be
filed with the superintendent prior to the sale of any of the
condominium units; and

Sec. 6. 24-A MRSA §6208, 2nd ¶, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 482, §1, is
amended to read:

If a registration statement for the cooperative is filed with
the Bureau of Banking, Office of Securities Division, pursuant to
the Revised Maine Securities Act, Title 13 32, chapter 105, a
copy shall must be simultaneously filed with the superintendent
and a copy shall must be given to every purchaser of a membership
interest or share in the cooperative at least 10 days prior to
the sale of the interest or share. Any information required to be
filed with the superintendent pursuant to this chapter and
contained in the referenced registration materials may be filed
in that format with the superintendent and need not be submitted
under separate cover. If a registration statement is not filed
with the Office of Securities Division, a disclosure statement
containing, to the extent applicable, all the information
required to register a security by qualification, pursuant to
Title 32, section 10404, shall must be filed with the
superintendent and given to every subscriber at least 10 days
prior to the sale. In the alternative, a provider may elect to
provide each subscriber a disclosure statement containing those
provisions stated in section 6209 determined to be required by
the superintendent.

Sec. 7. 32 MRSA c. 105, sub-c. I is amended by repealing the subchapter
headnote and enacting the following in its place:



Sec. 8. 32 MRSA §§10102 and 10103 are enacted to read:

§10102.__Office of Securities

There is created within the Department of Professional and
Financial Regulation the Office of Securities, referred to in
this subchapter as the "office,"__which is responsible for the
administration and enforcement of the Revised Maine Securities
Act; the Maine Commodity Code; and the law regulating the sale of
business opportunities.

§10103.__Administrator and other personnel

1.__Appointment; term; qualifications.__The activities of the
office are directed by the Securities Administrator, who is
appointed by the Commissioner of Professional and Financial
Regulation.__The administrator is appointed for a term that is
coterminous with the term of the Governor, or until a successor
is appointed and qualified.__Any vacancy occurring must be filled
by appointment for the unexpired portion of the term.__The
administrator may be removed from office for cause by the
commissioner, and Title 5, section 931, subsection 2 does not
apply.__A person appointed as administrator must have knowledge
of, or experience in, the theory and practice of securities.

2.__Organization.__With the approval of the commissioner, the
administrator shall organize the office in such a manner as the
administrator considers necessary to carry out the
administrator's responsibilities.

3. Employees.__The administrator may employ personnel as the
business of the office may require, subject to the commissioner's
approval and in accordance with the Civil Service Law.__The
qualifications of the personnel must reflect the needs and
responsibilities of the office's regulatory functions.__The
administrator may authorize senior personnel of the office to
carry out the administrator's duties and authority.

The administrator may employ or engage such expert, professional
or other assistance as may be necessary to assist the office in
carrying out its functions.

In addition to salaries or wages, all employees of the office
must receive their actual expenses incurred in the performance of
their official duties.

4. Training of office personnel.__At the expense of the
office, the administrator may train the office's employees, or
have them trained, in a manner the administrator determines
desirable, to carry out the purposes of the office.

Sec. 9. 32 MRSA §10702, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 184, §23, is
amended to read:

3. Contracts with other agencies. The administrator may
employ and engage experts, professionals and other personnel of
other state and federal regulatory agencies as necessary to
assist the Office of Securities Division in carrying out its
regulatory functions. The administrator may contract office
staff to other state and federal agencies to assist those
agencies in carrying out their regulatory functions.__Contracts
for services under this subsection are designated sole source
contracts and are not subject to the procurement requirements of
Title 5, chapter 155.

Sec. 10. 32 MRSA §10708, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 542, §65,
is repealed.

Sec. 11. 32 MRSA §11210 is enacted to read:

§11210.__Short title

This chapter is known and may be cited as the "Maine Commodity

Sec. 12. 33 MRSA §1604-106, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 699, is
amended to read:

§1604-106. Public offering statement; condominium securities

If an interest in a condominium is currently registered with
the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States or
the Office of Securities Division of the Bureau of Banking of
this State, a declarant satisfies all requirements relating to
the preparation of a public offering statement of this Act if he
the declarant delivers to the purchaser a copy of the public
offering statement filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission or the Office of Securities Division. When a
condominium is located in a state other than Maine, under the
laws of which a public offering statement is required in detail
similar to the requirements of this Act, a declarant satisfies
all requirements relating to the preparation of a public offering
statement if he the declarant delivers to the purchaser a copy
of such that public offering statement.

Sec. 13. Transition. The following provisions apply to the
reassignment of the duties and responsibilities of the Department

of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Banking,
Securities Division to the Office of Securities.

1. The Office of Securities is the successor in every way to
the powers, duties and functions transferred under this Act and
formerly held by the Securities Division.

2. All rules, regulations and procedures of the Securities
Division in effect upon the effective date of the Act remain in
effect until rescinded, revised or amended.

3. All contracts, agreements and compacts of the Securities
Division in effect upon the effective date of this Act remain in
effect until they expire or are altered by the parties involved
in the contracts, agreements or compacts.

4. Any positions authorized and allocated, subject to the
personnel laws, to the Securities Division are transferred to the
Office of Securities and may continue to be authorized.

5. All records, property and equipment previously belonging
to or allocated for the use of the Securities Division become, on
the effective date of this Act, the property of the Office of

Sec. 14. Maine Revised Statutes amended; revision clause. Wherever in the
Maine Revised Statutes the words "Securities Division" appear or
reference is made to those words or that division, they are
amended to read and mean "Office of Securities" or that office,
and the Revisor of Statutes shall implement this revision when
updating, publishing or republishing the statutes.


This bill moves the Securities Division from the Bureau of
Banking to a separate office within the Department of
Professional and Financial Regulation to be known as the "Office
of Securities." The Securities Administrator is appointed by the
Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation, for a term
coterminous with the Governor's, and may be removed for cause.
The administrator is given compensation commensurate with other
agency heads within the Department of Professional and Financial
Regulation and is given like authority to appoint and train
personnel, cooperate and contract with other agencies and
organize the Office of Securities. The administrator may also
delegate the administrator's duties and authorities to senior
office personnel. The substantive regulatory authority of the
agency and the administrator remain unchanged.

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